Know which 5 foods prevent hair fall


Hair fall tips:Just as we eat food to make our body strong, so the strength of our hair also depends on our food. If you are under a lot of stress or because of your eating habits your hair and scalp are not getting all the essential minerals and vitamins. So today we will tell about 5 best foods that can prevent hair loss.


Carrots are known to thicken hair and promote hair growth. Regular consumption of carrots helps in stimulating hair growth, making hair shiny, strengthening hair, protecting hair from external damage like pollution and preventing hair breakage and hair loss. Daily consumption of carrots, internally or externally, will definitely make you healthy and strong.


Eggs are one of the best home remedies to prevent hair fall. Conditioning hair with eggs promotes hair growth, as eggs are one of the richest natural protein sources. Egg protein helps to regenerate damaged hair. Adding egg conditioning to your hair regimen can help you maintain strong hair, which is essential. Hair growth rate.


Oats act as a natural moisturizer and can be applied to the hair to relieve itchiness and dryness. It makes the hair shiny and soft. It is used as an ingredient in shampoos. To get rid of dandruff, oatmeal can be applied to the hair before shampooing.


Walnuts are one of the best hair-friendly nuts. Walnuts contain omega-6 fatty acids, iron, zinc, B vitamins (B6, B9, and B1), and plenty of protein. In fact, eating walnuts daily will keep your hair healthy for years.

Vitamin C Rich Fruits:

The best diet to prevent hair loss should include foods rich in vitamin C. Deficiency of vitamin C can cause several hair-related problems that seriously affect hair growth. Vitamin C deficiency can lead to dry and brittle hair. The best sources of vitamin C are fruits such as blueberries, guavas, kiwi fruit, oranges, papayas and strawberries, as well as vegetables such as capsicum, dark green vegetables and tomatoes.


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