here are 5 anti aging herbs that will give you a younger version of yourself.


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Who doesn’t want glowing, spotless and charming skin? But you cannot stop the science of aging from coming with age. Nowadays aging is making women its prey at a very young age. The biggest reason for this is pollution, physical stability, poor lifestyle, harmful rays of the sun, consumption of junk and fried foods, use of various chemical-rich skin care products, etc.

However, one should not be alarmed by the signs of aging after a reasonable period of time. This is also a part of life and you should enjoy it too. But everything has a proper time period. In the same way, if the premature appearance of aging like wrinkles, fine lines, spots on the cheeks, pigmentation, etc. is not appropriate. This is a sign of your unwell somewhere. Also, the lack of some essential nutrients in the body can also be the reason for this.

To avoid the problem of premature aging, you can try these 5 types of herbs with anti aging properties. So let’s know about these 5 herbs as well as know how to use them for effective results.

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Beneficial in the problem of premature ageing. Image: shutterstock

Here are 5 important anti aging herbs

Indian Yoga Guru, Director of Yoga Institute and well-known TV personality Dr. Hansaji Yogendra has told about these 5 effective anti aging herbs. Let us know about them in a little more detail.

1. Triphala Powder

There is an Ayurvedic medicine that helps protect your skin cells. It is a mixture of three types of dry fruits. These 3 fruits include Amla, Harad and Baheda. It maintains protein and moisture in the skin. They are rich in omega 3 fatty acids, antioxidants such as vitamin C. All these nutrients are essential for collagen production.

Include in the diet like this

For proper results, regularly dissolve two spoons of Triphala powder in water and leave it overnight. Add one teaspoon of honey to it in the morning and drink it on an empty stomach. To further enhance its aging property, cinnamon can be added to it. Because cinnamon also has antioxidant and anti aging properties. Which can be helpful in slowing down your aging process.

2. Amla

Amla is rich in antioxidants and can help reverse the signs of ageing. It reduces wrinkles and fine lines, as well as lightens skin pigmentation. The antibacterial and astringent properties of amla help prevent skin infections. At the same time, it is also an excellent source of vitamin C, in which case its consumption also promotes collagen production.

Include in the diet like this

The easiest way to include it in the diet is to add about 30 to 40ml of amla juice to a glass of lukewarm water and mix well. If you want, you can add one spoon of crushed jaggery to it. Drink it regularly every morning on an empty stomach.

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Benefits of Giloy
Giloy boosts your immunity. Image: shutterstock

3. Giloy

Giloy is an effective herb. At the same time, its anti-inflammatory property helps in regenerating the skin tissue. Along with this, it is also effective in reducing the inflammation on the skin. At the same time, it is very beneficial not only for the skin but also for the immune system. Flavonoids are present in Giloy which protect the cells from damage and also promote the growth of new cells. Along with this, it reduces the wrinkles visible on the skin, and makes the skin naturally glowing.

Include in diet like this

For proper results, drink Giloy juice regularly once or twice a day. Along with this, the decoction of Giloy can also be an effective way to include it in the diet. To prepare it, put Giloy’s stick in water and let it boil for 7 to 10 minutes, then filter it with a sieve and consume it regularly.

4. Rosemary

The antioxidants present in rosemary help in preventing signs of aging like wrinkles etc. by reducing the effect of free radicals on the skin. At the same time, it also maintains skin elasticity. Not only this, rosemary promotes biological activity and cell growth, which help reduce wrinkles and file lines.

can use like this

Apply rosemary oil mixed with any other essential oil regularly on the skin. If you want, you can also mix it with your face pack and scrub. It helps to improve your skin texture, as well as prevent premature aging signs. Its regular use improves blood circulation and reduces inflammation on the skin.

benefits of rosemary oil
Rosemary is nothing less than magic for your skin. Image shutterstock.

5. Parents

Antioxidant-rich spinach is rich in vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E and vitamin K. Along with this, it is an excellent source of magnesium, iron and lutein. Vitamin K reduces inflammation of skin cells. Also, it contains plenty of water, which maintains skin hydration. That’s why you must eat spinach at least 2 days a week.

Include in diet like this

You can include it in the form of your pulses, vegetables, salads, etc. Along with this, taking spinach in the form of smoothies and juices is also a good option to take proper advantage of its nutrients. Also how can you forget the spinach soup.

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