Know the causes and symptoms of osteoporosis.


Osteoporosis is a condition that causes your bones to become weaker than before. As your bones lose density and become more fragile, there is an increased risk of fractures. Osteoporosis often causes fractures in your wrists, spine and hips. If your aging parents are also facing osteoporosis, then it is important that these 5 things are taken care of. Which greatly affects bone health.

Bone loss occurs because your bones are in a constant state of remodeling. Throughout your life, your body removes old, damaged bone and replaces it with new bone. As people get older, their bodies lose their ability to make new bone. While old bones are continuously losing their capacity. In such a situation, it is more important to preserve bone health.

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Exercise is very important for the strength of bones. Image- Shutter stock.

These 5 things can affect the condition of osteoporosis

Calcium content in diet

Adequate calcium intake is important to avoid osteoporosis, according to a study in Pub Med. Calcium is stored in your bones. If you don’t consume enough calcium, your body will take it from your bones and this will cause your bones to become weak.

Food sources of calcium include low-fat dairy products, dark green leafy vegetables, broccoli, calcium-fortified foods such as soy milk, tofu, orange juice, cereals and breads.

If you are not getting enough calcium through your regular diet, you may want to consider taking a calcium supplement. It will also be beneficial for those who are lactose intolerant or vegan. Also those people whose body is not able to absorb nutrients well.

2 Alcohol Consumption

According to the National Library of Medicine, alcohol affects the balance of calcium in your body, which affects the health of your bones. Alcohol can also reduce your body’s ability to produce vitamin D when you’re exposed to sunlight.

Heavy drinking can cause hormone deficiencies, which can increase your risk of osteoporosis.

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3 Smoking can be dangerous

Smoking can also be a risk for osteoporosis. Studies have found a direct link between tobacco use and loss of bone density. People who smoke are more likely to develop osteoporosis than others, including alcohol use, poor diet, and low physical activity.

Women who smoke may also face early menopause, which affects bone health.

4 Vitamin D

The body absorbs vitamin D from food and from sunlight. Only a few foods contain vitamin D, so the body gets 70% to 80% of the amount it needs from sunlight.

The amount of time you spend indoors, where you live and what season it is can all affect how much vitamin D your body is getting.
Dietary sources of vitamin D include milk, cereals, orange juice, yogurt, fatty fish, eggs, cheese, mushrooms.

I don't want to see the pain in the room
Do not ignore back or bone pain. Image: shutterstock

5 Exercise and Bone Health

Most of us know that exercise is good for fitness, but did you know that it is also great for bone health? Exercise helps stimulate cells important for bone formation.
To maintain bone health, try to do weight-bearing exercise and resistance exercises 3 or 4 days a week.

Weight-bearing exercises focus on moving your body weight against gravity. Walking is a good activity, and running, dancing, aerobics, hiking, and tennis are also good weight-bearing exercises.

Resistance exercises use an opposing force, such as weights, an elastic band or water, to strengthen your muscles and build bone. Having strong muscles and good balance can also help you avoid falls or reduce the risk of injury.

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