Drug help reduce alcohol addiction and neutralise the tendency to binge drinking study claims dose of Natrexone just before craving keep at bay from wine consumption



When someone gets addicted to alcohol, the chemical called endorphin becomes very active in the brain to get intoxicated.
If a person takes a dose of Naltrexone medicine before the urge of alcohol, then the desire to drink alcohol will end in him.

Drug Reduced alcohol addiction: Drinking too much alcohol has a direct effect on the liver, due to which fatty liver disease occurs in the liver. This is such a fatal disease that it leads to cirrhosis. Cirrhosis is a very dangerous disease. Excessive alcohol consumption not only puts the liver but also the heart at risk. According to a report by Hopkins University, excessive consumption of alcohol increases blood pressure and also increases the risk of heart failure and stroke. This can lead to cardiomyopathy. It is a disease related to the muscles of the heart. The person who gets addicted to alcohol, it becomes very difficult to get rid of him.

Now a new drug has come, in whose trial it is being claimed that this drug can give a new life to people suffering from alcohol addiction. It is being claimed that this medicine has to be taken a little before the person gets a craving for alcohol. Due to this, drinking alcohol is controlled to a great extent.

Enthusiasm for alcohol in the brain is over

According to a report published in the American Journal of Psychiatry, if a person takes a dose of Naltrexone medicine before the urge of alcohol, then the desire to drink alcohol will end. The trial of this drug is considered successful. In the trial, half of the people were given Naltrexone drug while half of the people were given placebo. After 12 weeks of the trial, it was found that the person who took Naltrexone drug before alcohol craving, did not drink alcohol or drank very little, while there was no difference in those who took placebo. The effect of naltrexone was such that endorphins were stopped from being activated in the brain as soon as this drug was consumed.

In general language, when someone gets addicted to alcohol, then the chemical named endorphin becomes very active in the brain to get intoxicated, due to which the enthusiasm for intoxication is awakened. But as a result of the effect of the drug, the effect of endorphin was stopped, due to which the enthusiasm of drinking alcohol ended.

Alcohol will be released only after comprehensive treatment

Commenting on the study, Dr. Rahul Pandit, Chairman, Intensive Care Unit, Sir HN Reliance Foundation Hospital, Mumbai, said that there is no doubt that Naltrexone is beneficial. But it also needs to be remembered that Naltrexone in itself is an addictive. That’s why only this one medicine cannot be used as an alcohol withdrawal before drinking alcohol. This needs thorough treatment. First all the conditions of the patient will be tested. After this, proper treatment will be given to get rid of alcoholism. It can be used with other medicines but all this should be done under the supervision of doctors.

For this, lifestyle changes and special therapy are required. Dr. Rahul Pandit said that after quitting alcohol, naltrexone can help you stay sober for a while but not forever. Hence this medicine is not a complete cure for alcohol withdrawal. But if you are determined to quit drinking, consult your doctor and get a complete treatment. This can get rid of alcohol addiction.

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Tags: Health, Health tips, Lifestyle


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