Know what make you attracted for someone


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How does a person start liking us? We probably do not have the answer to this until we start liking someone. Actually, many times even after spending more time with someone, we start liking him. Slowly everything starts to look good to him. Then whether it is his behavior, way of talking or lifestyle. Many such things have come out in the research, which will force you to think that even these things keep you pulled towards someone (why you are attracted to someone).

Know what studies say about this

The research was carried out by a team of scientists led by Dr. Helen Fischer at Rutgers. In this research, he has confirmed that romantic love is categorized in three ways as lust, attraction and attachment. There are different hormones for each category, which are released from the brain.

Communicate with each other. Image: shutterstock

Are more attracted in reproductive age

In this regard, Dr. Yuvraj Pant, psychologist at Government Medical College Haldwani, says that due to many reasons we get pulled towards others. Along with kindness, behavior, smells and hormones, the kind of diet you are eating can also prove to be a reason for attraction. Apart from this, the age at which you are more fertile. In that also you are more attracted towards others.

Apart from sex, these things can also make your bond stronger

1 Body Odor

Even the smell of someone’s body can attract you. When we sit near someone, the smell of his clothes starts settling inside us. Researcher Agata Groecka of the University of Wroclaw in Poland, who led the research, says that some body odors are not only more relaxing but also sexy. This increases the curiosity in people to flirt or date.

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Oxytocin strengthens emotional bonding in the body. Image: shutterstock

2 test (Taste)

By test we mean the same choice. if two people like each other If they do, they start coming closer. Kissing and smooching are common. Kissing not only increases the amount of oxytocin in our body, but also releases happy hormones. Sarah Johns, an expert in human reproductive and evolutionary psychology at the University of Kent, says that kissing brings two people closer.

By kissing, you start feeling the body odor of a person. Get to know him closely. According to research, when two people kiss each other, at that time 80 million bacteria reach from one person to another.

It has been found in the Human Nature Journal that kissing can be used to predict how your relationship with that woman is. Not only this, when a woman is pregnant, at that time she enjoys kissing the most.

3 Fertility

An interesting revelation has come to light regarding fertility. If experts are to be believed, when women go through their fertile period, one can easily get attracted towards such women. Everyone notices from their body odor to their glowing face.

A study in setting in the year 2021 found that women in the ovulating period Not only do they look attractive, but their mood is also very good during this time.

Kissing can strengthen your relationship
Kissing can also control the cholesterol level. Image: shutterstock

4 Hormonal change

In our body from time to time different types of hormone release Keep happening. Serotonin from the body during hugging and kissing (serotonin) Hormones are released, which fills us with excitement. Apart from this, when we feel love towards someone, then the love hormone oxytocin starts increasing in the body. According to research, due to the high level of testosterone in men, they get pulled towards women.

5 Voice also increases attraction (Voice)

Research has found that women like the heaviness in men’s voices. Women prefer slow speaking men. Apart from this, she stays away from people who speak more and get angry in every talk.

Read this also – Experts are telling those 4 things that you should know before having sex for the first time.


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