If you want bones to remain strong in old age, then make distance from these 4 types of food from the age of 20, see the list given by the doctor



Some foods are high in oxalates and phytates compounds. These foods slow down the absorption of calcium.
Apart from calcium, vitamin D, vitamin K etc. are also needed to maintain the strength of bones.

5 Worst Foods for Bone Health: Our whole body rests on the bones. Bones have the maximum weight in body weight. If our bones are not strong then we will have to face many problems. Science says that by the age of 20 the bones are completely developed. After this, there is almost no growth in the bones. After 30 years it stops completely. But the strength of the bones remains intact till old age, for this it is necessary that the calcium in the body does not decay, that is, there is no loss, but there are some foods which increase the loss of calcium. This is the reason why some people get osteoporosis disease in old age. This is a very painful disease. It also becomes difficult to get up in it.

In such a situation, you should know that due to excessive consumption of which food, the bones will betray in old age. Apart from calcium, vitamin D, vitamin K, vitamin C, protein and many other minerals are needed to maintain the strength of bones. In absorbing all these properly in the body, excessive consumption of some food causes harm.

Avoid these food

1. Avoiding salty things-According to Medical News Today, the Bone Health and Osteoporosis Foundation has found in its study that high-salt food is very harmful for bone health. This leads to loss of calcium from the bones. According to the study, bread rolls, pizza, sandwiches, soups, chips, popcorn, snack mix, crackers, chicken, cheese, eggs and omelets contain more salt. Consuming more of these things can cause calcium to disappear from the bones.

2. Alcohol-Although the consumption of alcohol is not considered good for the body in some sense, but the National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal has told in its study that alcohol acts as a villain in the body to absorb vitamin D and calcium.

3. more sweetPubMed Central’s study found that calcium, magnesium, potassium seeps out through urine due to the consumption of high sugar items. At the same time, it presents a problem in the absorption of calcium. Candies, pastries, cakes, processed food, sauces, dessert sweets, etc. contain more sugar.

4. High Oxalate-Some foods are high in oxalates and phytates compounds. These foods slow down the absorption of calcium. Therefore, consumption of such food will lead to calcium deficiency in the body, which can lead to osteoporosis. These foods are spinach and other green leafy vegetables, beans and tea. These things should be consumed in moderation. Too much damage can happen.

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Tags: Health, Health tips, Lifestyle, Trending news


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