Here are healthy recipes for ragi cookies.


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Ragi is a type of grain which is generally very much liked by the South Indian people. At the same time, people eat it in many African countries as well. Ragi, which is rich in nutrients, is becoming more and more popular for its properties. Especially weight loss people who are doing diet plan like this grain very much. At the same time, even in the case of diabetes, dieticians recommend consuming ragi. By making different types of dishes from ragi, you can include them in your diet. In such a situation, today HealthShots has brought for you the recipe of healthy snacks made of ragi.

Apart from being delicious in taste, ragi cookies will also be beneficial for your health. It can be enjoyed in snacks, as well as it is very beneficial for the health of children. So let’s know the delicious and healthy recipe of ragi cookies.

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Know why ragi is special

According to a data published by Food Data Central about ragi, ragi is an excellent source of proteins, carbohydrates, sodium, fiber and various types of minerals. Along with this, plenty of calcium and potassium are found in it. Ragi, on the other hand, is rich in antioxidants and is gluten free. Its regular intake can be beneficial in case of diabetes. Because it contains magnesium, which controls insulin resistance and helps maintain blood sugar levels.

Ragi is rich in nutrients. Image: shutterstock.

The calcium present in ragi is beneficial for the health of bones and teeth. Along with this, fiber keeps your digestive system balanced. Along with this, it is also beneficial in stomach related problems like constipation, indigestion, etc. Its consumption keeps you satisfied for a long time, due to which you do not overeat and your weight is controlled.

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To make ragi cookies you will need

Ragi flour – 1 cup
Khand (healthy substitute for sugar) – 1/4 cup
Honey – 4 to 5 teaspoons
Almonds (cut into small pieces) – 1/4 cup
Small cardamom (powder) – 1/2 tsp
Baking powder – 1 tsp
Egg (optional) – 1 (well beaten)
Salt – 1/2 tsp
Olive oil – 4 teaspoons

prepare like this

Put a pan on medium heat, add ragi flour, almonds and cardamom powder and dry roast them all well.

Here take an egg in a bowl and beat it well. If you do not eat eggs then you can skip the eggs.

Now put roasted ragi flour and almonds in that bowl, add sugar and honey on top.

Mix everything together very well. Then add a little salt and baking powder and mix.

Now pour two spoons of olive oil on top and if the consistency is too thick, then add a little water to it. Then beat everything well for 3 to 4 minutes.

Your cookie dough is ready, leave it covered.

After some time, make small round balls from the prepared dough.

Now take a tray and put olive oil in it. And place these balls on it and flatten it by pressing it with a light hand.

Homemade cookies are not only beneficial for you, but also for your children. Image-Shutterstock.

baking recipe

If you have an oven, preheat it for 5 to 7 minutes. Then keep the tray of cookies inside and let it bake well for 8 to 10 minutes.

If not, then put salt in the bottom of the cooker and let it heat on medium flame.

Then place a utensil stand over the salt in the cooker and place the tray or plate containing the cookies on top of it.

The lid of the cooker is not to be closed, just cover the cooker from the top and let the cookies bake for 15 minutes.

Remove it after 15 minutes and serve. You can keep it sealed in an air tight container.

Enjoy this healthy Ragi Cookies as a snack.

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