Cloves Laung Garlic Cinnamon Turmeric 4 Herbs reduced blood sugar spike abruptly know how to control diabetes



Turmeric has anti-inflammatory properties which keep away from many problems related to diabetes.
Cinnamon contains antioxidants which work to increase the production of insulin.

4 Herbs that Control Blood Sugar Spike: Diabetes is such a disease due to which diseases related to heart, blood pressure, kidney, eyes etc start paralyzing the body. According to the statistics of the World Health Organization, about 422 million people in the world are suffering from diabetes. Along with this, about 15 lakh people die every year directly or indirectly due to diabetes. The condition of India is very bad in this matter. Because more than 80 million people in India are suffering from diabetes and by 2045 there will be more than 130 million diabetics. That’s why India is being called Capital of Diabetes.

We all know that diabetes is a lifestyle related disease. If we fix the lifestyle then blood sugar can be eliminated. For this, there are many such herbs around us, with the help of which the production of insulin can be increased and blood sugar can be controlled.

Blood Sugar Control Herbs

1. Cloves
In the news of NDTV, Ayurveda expert has been quoted as saying that clove is a miraculous herb to control diabetes. Clove has antiseptic and germicidal properties. Along with this, clove is anti-inflammatory, analgesic and beneficial for the intestine. When the intestine will be healthy then the digestion of blood sugar will be fast. Clove increases the production of insulin, which keeps diabetes under control.

2. Cinnamon-We often ignore cinnamon, but cinnamon is full of medicinal properties to control sugar. Cinnamon contains antioxidants which work to increase the production of insulin. According to a report published in the International Journal of Molecular Science, cinnamon has the ability to increase insulin sensitivity. Cinnamon tea can be made and drunk.

3. GarlicWe are all aware of the medicinal properties of garlic, but very few people will know that blood sugar is also controlled by garlic. According to a study published in the Journal of Phytomedicine, garlic increases the serum insulin rate.

4. TurmericAccording to the Complementary and Alternative Medicine Journal, turmeric regulates blood sugar levels. Curcumin compound present in turmeric reduces the amount of glucose in the blood. Turmeric has anti-inflammatory properties that keep away from many problems related to diabetes. Mixing turmeric in milk and drinking it can get rid of the problem of blood sugar.

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Tags: Diabetes, Health, Health tips, Lifestyle


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