Women Health: Drinking cold drinks during pregnancy can be dangerous for both mother and child! Know these things Punjabi news


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During pregnancy, it is very important for women to take care of every little thing from food to routine. This 9 months phase is very critical. During pregnancy, every woman undergoes many hormonal changes and due to this, changes in eating habits are also seen during this period. Sometimes a person feels the urge to eat different types of food, but during this time it is very important to stay away from unhealthy things. Drinking packaged fruit juice and cold drinks during pregnancy can be harmful for both the mother and the baby.

For a stress-free pregnancy and healthy delivery, eating a balanced and healthy diet and avoiding unhealthy foods is very important. If you drink cold drinks during pregnancy, it can harm your health as well as the fetus. Let’s see what doctors have to say about it.

What the doctors say

Dr. Manali of AIIMS, Delhi says that cold drinks are high in sugar, besides they also contain saccharin (a compound used for sweetening in cold drinks and packaged juices). which is harmful to women and children.

How many cold drinks can you drink?

Dr. Manali says that drinking cold drinks should be avoided during pregnancy, but if there is a lot of craving, cold drinks can be drunk once or twice in two-three months and that too in very small quantities. If you drink more than this cold drink, it can cause harm.

Risk of side effects

Various preservatives are used in cold drinks for flavor and color, which is not good for the health of the general public. Also, it can be even more harmful during pregnancy. It can increase several health risks, such as allergies, weight gain, high blood glucose levels, etc. So, avoid cold drinks for a healthy pregnancy.

Check the ingredients before drinking

If you are taking a cold drink or any packaged soft drink during pregnancy, read the ingredients on the packet carefully, as some of the ingredients may be harmful to both the mother and the baby. To satisfy your cold drink craving, you can choose some healthy options. Like butter, coconut water, lemon water, vegetable soup etc.
