Weight Gain tips: Weight is not increasing even after a million attempts, try these 5 miraculous tips, the effect will be seen in a few days



To increase weight, include cheese, butter, whole grain toast, milk etc. in your diet.
Do not take any liquid before or during the meal.

How to gain healthy weight: According to WHO, about 2 billion people in the world are obese. People whose BMI is more than 25 are considered obese, but many people are also underweight. These people are not able to gain weight even after lakhs of efforts. Being underweight is also a disease in itself. If the body mass index (BMI) is less than 18.5 then it is considered underweight. This means that the person’s weight is less by 15 to 20 percent according to age and height. In such a situation, it becomes very important to increase the weight.

If a person is underweight or has low weight, then first of all it is important to know that due to which the weight is not increasing. There can be many reasons for not gaining weight. If weight loss is due to any disease or deficiency, then doctors should be examined. If everything is fine, still someone’s weight is not increasing, then it means that there is some deficiency in his diet.

Easy ways to gain weight

1. Eat 5-6 times a day-Health website Mayo Clinic According to this, eat food 5 to 6 times daily. You should keep in mind that when you are feeling hungry, make a rule to eat at the same time.

2. Eat Nutritious FoodEating does not mean eating anything or eating fast food. Food should be healthy in which it is necessary to have sufficient amount of nutrients. It would be better if you get a chart made from a dietician.

3. Extras along with food- Apart from food to gain weight, you should also include cheese, butter, whole grain toast, milk etc. in your diet. Chocolate is also the right diet for more energy. Eat more potatoes and soups.

4. Take shakes and smoothies-You can also take shakes and smoothies to gain weight, but keep in mind that do not take high-calorie items. You can take diet soda.

5. Do not drink water before eating-Do not take any liquid before or during the meal. This will make your stomach feel full and you will not be able to eat properly.

6. Exercise-Gaining weight does not mean that you just eat food and do not exercise. If you want to be healthy then exercise regularly.

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Tags: Health, Lifestyle


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