Tips For Teenagers To Handle Peer Pressure Its Effect on mental health Psychiatrist Prerna Kukreti Advice to deal with it



Parents can be discussed to avoid negative peer pressure.
Do not follow the things which you find wrong by coming under peer pressure.

How To Handle Negative Peer Pressure: In adolescence, there are rapid changes in the hormones of boys and girls. The age of 13 to 17 years is considered as teenage. At this age, people get easily influenced by their peers. Many times their friends or teenagers who study with them adopt some wrong habits and after coming to their words, other teenagers also start following these habits. If others do not do this, then the teenagers put pressure on them in different ways. This pressure is called peer pressure. If peer pressure is positive, then it makes life better. When your peers put pressure on you to do something wrong, it is called negative peer pressure.

of New Delhi Associate Professor and Psychiatrist Dr. Prerna Kukreti of Lady Hardinge Medical College It is said that if peer pressure is for good things, then it can improve the life of teenagers. However, negative peer pressure can make teenagers very mentally disturbed. When you come under the pressure of negative peer pressure, you feel guilty and disappointed for not doing what you want. By doing this, mental health is badly affected. Many teenagers can become victims of conditions like stress, anxiety and depression due to this pressure. In such a situation, it is necessary that peer pressure should be handled properly. Your parents, teachers and elder siblings can help a lot in this. You can take the right path by handling peer pressure.

5 Simple Ways to Handle Negative Peer Pressure

First of all, see how you feel about the work for which your colleagues are putting pressure on you. If you do not find that thing right, then you should see it according to your own opinion. Do not do any work according to your friends or peers, which is against your will.

You can make a plan in advance to handle peer pressure. You think about the fact that pressure will come about something, then how will you react to it. Plan what you can say or do that won’t hurt you.

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Talk frankly with the friend or peer who is pressurizing you. Tell him how it makes you feel and stop doing this to the person. Keep your point in the right way and clear your stand.

If peer pressure is affecting your mental health, then you can talk to your parents about it. If you are hesitating to talk, then you can text message, so that they know that you need to get out of this situation.

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Make teenagers like you your friend. If this happens then you will definitely get his support during peer pressure. With this you will not feel alone. You can take help from teachers or any trusted person regarding peer pressure.

Tags: Health, Lifestyle


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