This test detects cancer, it must be done once test detect cancer in early stage helps to stop Punjabi news


Cancer is a serious disease and is growing very fast, so it becomes very important to detect it in its early stage so that it can be treated in time, otherwise cancer can be fatal. Let's know about the important tests about which Detect cancer.

Cancer is a disease that no one likes to hear but due to our changing lifestyle and changing food habits, this disease is spreading very fast. In such a situation, timely detection of this disease and proper treatment is very important. For this, periodic cancer screening becomes very important, because if this disease is caught in the early stage, then its treatment becomes easy, otherwise this disease can prove fatal.

What is cancer?

When the body loses control over the cells of a particular organ, they begin to grow abnormally and form a tumor, this is called cancer. But with the help of some tests, these cancers can be detected, so you can take help of these tests to stay cancer free in 2024.


A mammogram test is used to detect breast cancer. In this, an X-ray is taken of the chest, which shows the presence of a cancerous lump. Every woman should get this test done periodically after 30 to 35 years as this cancer can be life threatening if detected late.

Cervical cancer screening

Cervical cancer is a leading cause of death in women. This cancer occurs in the cervix of women and married women are more at risk. It is caused by the human papilloma virus. For this, periodic cervical cancer screening is done to detect this cancer. can Also, to avoid this risk, the HPV vaccine can be administered.

Colorectal screening

Colorectal cancer is a cancer that occurs in the colon, it can happen to anyone, male or female, so screening after 45 years is very important. It is detected by colonoscopy.

Prostate cancer screening

The risk of prostate cancer increases with age in men, for this they should undergo prostate cancer screening once a year after the age of 45. Prostate cancer is the fastest growing cancer in men due to which millions of men lose their lives every year, so if you have frequent urination then you must get tested for prostate cancer at least once.

Lung cancer screening

Lung cancer is very common in men and women, as men or women who have smoked for more than 20 years have a higher risk of developing lung cancer, so men and women who smoke should be screened for lung cancer. Of course, it's not that non-smokers don't get this cancer, but they have a lower risk of developing it than smokers.
