Air pollution can cause lung infection, these are the symptoms Punjabi news


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Life style Constantly rising wind pollution (Pollution) Very dangerous for the body. Due to this, there is a risk of various diseases. Air pollution has serious effects on the lungs. This causes various lung diseases. Their symptoms are also visible in the beginning but most of the people ignore them. Due to which the problem increases later.

Doctors say that at this time if a person continuously cough(Cough) Don’t take it lightly if you are having wheezing and shortness of breath. These can be symptoms of diseases like asthma, bronchitis and COPD. In such a case, they should not be taken lightly.

Asthma and bronchitis patients increased

Snar International the hospital (Hospital) Dr. Bandana Mishra in the Department of Pulmonology says that in this period of pollution, there has been a significant increase in the cases of asthma and bronchitis. These diseases are related to the lungs. These diseases spread rapidly due to increasing pollution. For people who already have respiratory problems, symptoms become more severe. However, when air pollution is high, many new cases are also reported. This is what is happening right now. In such a situation, people are advised to take care of their health. For this you can follow some tips.

Do not take a problem like cough lightly

Dr. Vandana says that to protect yourself from pollution, it is important that you do not take a problem like cough lightly. If you notice any symptoms related to breathing problems, contact a doctor immediately. Avoid self-medication in case of persistent cough. Consult a doctor in this case. Doctors can diagnose the disease by examining your X-rays.

The mask protects against harmful particles

Dr. Vandana says that the main cause of lung infection is the inhalation of dangerous particles into the lungs. which cause diseases. To protect yourself from this, it is important that you wear a mask and it is better if it is N95. This mask can protect you from harmful particles. Although it is not very necessary to wear a mask inside the house, it must be worn outside. Be especially careful if you are going to a dusty area.
