Health News: Stiffness in the muscles repeatedly? A big sign of lack of this thing in the body, read


Health Tips: In infancy, elders often make great efforts to feed children. Consuming milk fills the deficiency of calcium in the body, which makes the bones strong. Calcium is considered very important for our body. It is very important for our bones, teeth and muscles. Women need more calcium than men. As women age, the risk of osteoporosis and weakened bones increases significantly.

Due to the low level of calcium in the body, various problems are faced. When calcium is deficient, our body begins to show its signs and symptoms. Let us know what are the symptoms of calcium deficiency.

Tingling in hands and feet Due to lack of calcium, one has to face the problem of tingling and numbness in the hands and feet. When your body gradually becomes deficient in calcium, these symptoms begin to appear.

Fatigue and weakness- If you face fatigue and weakness throughout the day despite not doing any work, you are not getting enough sleep or you are facing the problem of not sleeping, then this indicates a problem in the body. Calcium deficiency.

tooth decay- Calcium is an important component of tooth enamel. Enamel is the hard outer layer of teeth that protects your teeth from decay. Due to the lack of calcium in the body, the teeth become weak and the chances of their decay increase. You may also experience tooth sensitivity or pain due to calcium deficiency.

Osteoporosis — Osteoporosis is a condition in which bones become weak and break. This happens due to low calcium in the body. This greatly increases the chance of fractures and bone-related injuries. Postmenopausal women are at greater risk of osteoporosis because estrogen levels can interfere with calcium absorption.

Easy breakage of nails and hair– Calcium is considered essential for strong hair and nails. Lack of calcium in the body causes hair and nails to break easily. Apart from this, dry and lifeless hair is also a sign of calcium deficiency.

Keep these things in mind— Take plenty of vitamin D. As it helps absorb calcium into the blood, consume calcium rich foods like milk, leafy green vegetables, fish, beans, broccoli etc. Avoid alcohol and tobacco consumption and maintain a healthy diet and lifestyle.

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