Quitting smoking: There are many benefits of quitting smoking, your life can increase by so many years Quitting Smoking Benefits read the full details in Punjabi Punjabi news


Quitting smoking has many benefits

Most people know that quitting smoking has many benefits for the body, but those who have been smoking for a long time feel that it is too late. Quitting smoking after years of smoking doesn't do much good, but that's not the case. Scientists at the University of Toronto have conducted a study that states that people who quit smoking improve their lifespan. Quit at any age. The research is published in the journal NEJM Evidence. Research results show that people who quit smoking before age 40 have the same life expectancy as people who never smoked.

Research says that if a person of any age quits smoking even for less than three years, they can avoid losing 5 years of life. Scientists monitored the health of 15 lakh people for 15 years. Meanwhile, their smoking pattern was monitored. Research has shown that the life expectancy of smokers was 12 years shorter than that of people who did not smoke.

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But if you quit smoking, your life can increase by 10 years. People who quit smoking for 10 years had a reduced risk of many fatal diseases. People who have smoked for less than three years.

The risk of death decreased by 30 percent

In research, scientists have said that the risk of death from related diseases can be reduced by 30 percent in those who quit smoking forever. Quitting smoking also reduces the risk of diseases like heart disease and cancer. Also, the risk of lung cancer, COPD and many other respiratory diseases can be reduced. Although long-term smokers have worse lungs than non-smokers, quitting smoking can improve lung deterioration.

Report: Abhishek Panchal
