Does tea is good for gut health?- Know from experts, is tea good for gut health?


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A cup of tea or coffee can take away the tiredness of the day. Tea can drive away the untimely sleep coming at the time of work. Some tea also helps in controlling weight. You are a fan of tea and coffee. But if you have any stomach problem like gas or acidity, then first of all you leave tea and coffee. You are apprehensive that these beverages may upset your digestion. This can lead to the problem of hyper acidity. But now there is no need to fear. Experts say that along with tea and coffee, nutritious foods are taken, then tea Coffee for gut health can be cured.

Instead of skipping for Gut Health, take balanced amounts of tea and coffee

In her Instagram post, Gut Health Nutritionist, Payal Kothari says that tea and coffee are not as harmful as we think. Drinking too much or making it incorrectly can cause health problems. There is no need to give up tea or coffee if you are troubled by constipation or any kind of problem related to gut health. Instead of giving up tea, it should be taken in a balanced quantity (Best way to drink tea). Tea made in the right way can benefit you.

Nutritious food along with tea

We often give importance to taste. Bypassing nutritious foods, they favor fried and canned foods. When we get acidity due to these, we put all the blame on tea and coffee. Payal says that if you are drinking 2 cups of tea throughout the day and taking nutritious food, then it will do more than harm. First of all, you have to change your way of eating and drinking.

Why does acidity or gas problem happen?

The problem of acidity or gas occurs when we are hungry for a long time. Or the lack of a particular nutrient also damages gut health. Along with tea, breakfast and food will have to be taken on time.

Gut health can also be affected by a lack of a specific nutrient. Image shutterstock.

More nutrients have to be added to your diet. You will not see the benefit from this in 1-2 days. You have to wait for at least 15 days only then you will see the positive results.

Add essential minerals to your diet

If you have given up tea, you can start drinking it again. Payal gives her example for this. He did not drink tea for many years to keep the gut healthy. But he did not see any benefit in this. Then he added nutrient-rich foods to his diet along with morning and evening tea. Started adding minerals necessary for the body in their food and drink. Which was beneficial and right for his gut, included those foods in his diet. By doing this regularly, his gut health improved. There is no problem of acidity and gas.

what kind of tea is beneficial for the intestine

Many different herbal teas are beneficial for the intestines. It gives relief from digestive problems like gas, bloating, acidity. green tea in the intestines Promotes good bacteria. Many researches suggest that green tea is rich in polyphenols and catechins. It strengthens the gut and helps in improving the body.

black tea benefits for skin
Black tea ie tea without milk is beneficial for gut health. Image: Adobe Stock

If normal tea is also prepared and drunk with black tea i.e. tea without milk or 1 spoon of milk, then it will be good for gut health.

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