Oats Beans Eggplant Nuts citrus fruits 5 foods lower bad cholesterol level and increase HLD know how to prevent from Heart attack



Due to bad cholesterol, plaque starts accumulating in the arteries, which increases the risk of heart attack.
Oatmeal is high in soluble fiber which lowers bad cholesterol.

High Cholesterol Symptoms: Due to bad lifestyle and wrong eating habits, bad cholesterol starts accumulating in the arteries, due to which the arteries start getting thinner. In such a situation, blood does not reach the different parts of the body. Increasing cholesterol also increases the risk of many diseases including heart attack. Therefore, accumulation of cholesterol in the arteries is very bad. The attack of Bad Cholesterol happens very secretly. But somewhere we ourselves are responsible for increasing bad cholesterol. If we include some food items in our diet daily, then bad cholesterol will not be able to accumulate in the arteries.

Harvard Medical University A list of some foods has been given on the website of which dirty cholesterol can be eliminated. Not only this, good cholesterol can be increased with the help of these foods. That’s why include these things in your diet daily.

This food band will play bad cholesterol

1. OatsAccording to the Harvard Medical website, consumption of oats reduces bad cholesterol rapidly. Taking half a cup of oatmeal daily for breakfast can reduce cholesterol levels a lot. If you mix strawberries with it, you will get results very quickly.

2. BeansBeans contain a lot of soluble fiber. It takes time to digest in the body. That is, if you take beans in breakfast, then your stomach will be full for the whole day. Beans control weight along with reducing cholesterol. Foods like kidney beans, lentils, green peas come in beans.

3. EggplantBrinjal is a cheap vegetable available in every season. Brinjal is full of many qualities. The amount of soluble fiber in brinjal is very high. This is the reason that it also reduces the weight. omega in eggplant
There are also 3 fatty acids which are essential for heart health. Daily consumption of brinjal brings cholesterol down with a bang.

4. AlmondsMany diseases can be avoided by eating four to five soaked almonds every morning. Dry fruits like almonds, walnuts, peanuts come in almonds. Almonds also contain omega 3 fatty acids. It plays an important role in removing LDL cholesterol from the arteries.

5. Citrus Fruit-Citrus fruit means sour-sweet fruit. It includes fruits like orange, strawberry, blueberry, jamun, lemon. Along with soluble fiber, many types of antioxidants are found in citrus fruits, which improve heart health. Citrus fruit reduces LDL cholesterol.

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Tags: Health, Health tips, Lifestyle


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