Mental Health: Why do we forget, what does science say, why do our memories change?


Memory Issues: It is said about creative people that they forget old things very quickly. Scholars also say that forgetful people have a special ability to separate unimportant things from important things. Only such people can think out of the box. The way of solving problems of such people is also different. You may find it a bit strange or strange to hear that sometimes even by using such things, easy solutions to problems are found, which usually people would not even think about. But, in general, forgetting is not considered a good habit. Let us understand why people forget things or old memories according to science?

It must have happened to many of us that we have gone out to buy things from home and have forgotten to bring some things. Many times it also happens that we keep searching for the watch tied in our hand or the spectacles on our head in the whole house. Many times while shopping in the market, we leave our glasses or wallet on the counter. No one likes to admit that he has lost his glasses. People who research memory consider forgetting to be the opposite process of remembering.

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life full of constant changes
According to researchers, if there are frequent and rapid changes in a person’s life, then people, events and things will be forgotten faster than other people. In fact, it becomes an integral part of his life more than the weakness of memory. Indeed, everything we remember, experience or plan for the future depends not only on our current memories, but also on everything that we do not know now. This situation is like a marble sculpture, which a sculptor has just carved out of the rocks. He forgets the actual shape of the stone while making the idol.

Forgetting is more an integral part of life than the weakness of memory.

Actually, there are constant changes in our life. That’s why our mind removes unnecessary things, events and memories from memory. We must learn new things to adapt to the changing circumstances. Similarly, to learn new things, it is also necessary to forget those things learned earlier, which are not useful for today’s work. That’s why our system keeps erasing old useless memories from memory.

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Past memory lasts till next experience
The memory of the things we felt or heard or tasted or smelled today remains in our memory until the next experience, the next thing or the next thing we eat or smell. In this, the memory of old things can be remembered only for comparison. But, we do not experience the old ditch or smelly thing when we are relishing the new thing. According to researchers, our habit of forgetting can be understood on the basis of three scientific facts.

Why do we forget, why do our memories change, Memory Issues, Forget Science, Human Science, Science News, Creativity, Remembering, Memory Research, Research News, News Study

Forgetting is an important and ongoing active process.

forgetting is not a weakness of memory
Forgetting things, events or memories is not a lack or weakness of memory. Forgetting is an important and ongoing active process. Forgetting makes us eager to learn new things. In other words, when we learn a new thing, we put the old one in a passive state. That is why it is said that only those who forget can easily separate the unimportant from the important. The cellular mechanism of forgetting is the same as that of learning. This occurs at the same synapse in the hippocampus and other areas of the brain.

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Why does trauma last longer?
In the process of forgetting, it is not yet clear whether we are actually removing past content or making it difficult to access. Every time we discover something new, our memories also change. However, in people who have gone through a particular type of trauma, even after recovering, the memory of that particular event persists for a long time. These become the cause of stress and fear in their lives. According to the researchers, such incidents remain in the memory not for any specific purpose, but only to be remembered again and again. Persistence of such memories can also prove to be quite fatal. Researchers are looking for ways to change this situation.

Tags: Lifestyle, Mental health, New Study, Research, Science facts, Science news


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