know why you need to stay hydrated to avoid UTI


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Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are a very common type of infection, affecting millions of people around the world, especially women. These infections occur when bacteria enter the urinary tract and start growing and multiplying there. Although antibiotics are used to prevent UTIs, prevention is most important to avoid repeated infections and the complications they cause. An effective way to prevent is to keep drinking sufficient amount of water. Let us understand what is the relation between dehydration and UTI.

Due to this many symptoms appear. Such as feeling pain while urinating, frequent urination, and pain in the pelvis.

What is the connection between water and UTI?

Drinking water is essential for health anyway, and its role in preventing UTI is very high. When you drink enough water, it helps flush out any dangerous bacteria and other toxins present in the urinary tract. Apart from this, having sufficient amount of water in the body also dilutes the urine, which reduces the accumulation of bacteria and also, other harmful elements/germs present in the bladder and urethra.

It is necessary to keep drinking water to avoid UTI.
Image Shutterstock.

What do studies say about this

The prevention of UTI by drinking water has been emphasized in many studies. According to a study published in the Journal of Infectious Diseases, women who drank six to eight ounces of water per day were significantly less likely to develop UTIs than women who consumed less than a glass of water per day. Similarly, a study published in the Journal of Urology found that women who drank more than 1.5 liters of water per day had a 48% lower risk of frequent UTIs.

Not all liquids are substitutes for water

It should also be noted that not all fluids are equally effective in preventing UTI. Water is the best option but other liquids like coffee, tea and soda increase the risk of UTI. This is because these beverages can irritate the bladder and urethra and also promote certain bacteria. Therefore, always keep in mind that to prevent UTI, consume more water to hydrate the body.

Bubble bath can also increase the risk of UTI

Apart from drinking water, we can avoid UTI by making some other lifestyle changes. For example, after using the toilet, wipe yourself thoroughly from front to back, do not wear tight clothes, urinate before and after sexual intercourse. Similarly, avoid certain things that can cause irritation, such as excessive chemical soaps and bubble baths, etc., as these can cause irritation or inflammation in the urethra.

Know when medicine is needed

While the most effective way to avoid UTI is to consume water, on the other hand, also know that only this is not enough. If you have frequent UTIs or are prone to frequent infections, your doctor may recommend other measures. Such as the consumption of probiotics or the use of topical estrogen cream.

To avoid UTI, follow the advice of your doctor who can make a personalized plan for you keeping in mind your needs and medical history.

Most antibiotics are used to treat UTIs.
Antibiotics are mostly used in the treatment of UTI. Image: Adobe Stock

while going

In conclusion, it can be said that by drinking water, UTI infections can be prevented in an easy and very effective way. By keeping your body hydrated, you flush out the bacteria that harm the body and the risk of infection also decreases due to the urine being diluted.

Also, take full care of cleanliness and avoid substances that cause irritation / inflammation etc. Drinking sufficient amount of water is the main way to prevent UTI. If you are prone to frequent UTIs or experience any symptoms of infection, seek immediate medical attention so that a correct diagnosis can be made and appropriate treatment can be initiated accordingly.

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