how to overcome wrinkles on hands


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With increasing age, different types of changes start appearing in the body and skin. During this, wrinkles and fine lines appear on the face, hands and feet and the skin becomes thin and dull. However, it is not only aging that can be responsible for this, but it can also be due to lack of nutrients in the body, some diseases, mental stress, etc. In such a situation, women often start taking care of their skin, but somewhere they keep ignoring their hands. Because of which the condition of wrinkles visible on the hands becomes more serious. That’s why it is very important to pay attention to this problem in time, otherwise it becomes difficult to control later.

If wrinkles are visible on your hands due to aging, then taking care of the skin can prevent it from growing. On the other hand, if there is any other reason for wrinkles on the skin, then you can control it with these 5 measures mentioned here (how to overcome wrinkles on hands). So let’s know the ways to avoid hand wrinkles.

It is important to take care of the hands.

These reasons can be responsible for wrinkles on the hands

washing hands frequently
prolonged exposure to the sun’s rays
hand contact with chemicals
Chemicals used in routine activities such as washing clothes and dishes and cleaning the house

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Now learn how to protect hands from wrinkles

1. Sun protection is important

According to the American Academy of Dermatology Association, due to prolonged exposure to sun rays, problems like brown spots, pigmentation and wrinkles are seen on the skin. Collagen and elastin fibers get affected by exposure to sunlight. The fibers present in the skin prevent wrinkles from emerging. UV rays emanating from the sun’s rays are one of the biggest causes of skin ageing.

Always remember to cover your hands before going in contact with the sun rays. For this you can wear full sleeve clothes. Along with this, applying sunscreen is very important. Apply sunscreen with SPF on your hands, it helps to prevent sunburn and other effects caused by the sun’s harmful rays, such as wrinkles.

Applying sunscreen in summers
Using sunscreen protects the skin. Image: shutterstock

2. Stay Hydrated

It is very important for the body to stay hydrated to keep the cell tissue fresh. Along with removing toxins from your body, it also balances your digestive process. At the same time, it is very important to have a hydrator to maintain the body temperature. According to the American Academy of Dermatology Association, the body’s dehydrated skin cells cause the top layer of the skin to become very thin. Because of which wrinkles start appearing. That’s why it is very important to drink a proper amount of water during the day.

3. Exfoliation is important

With increasing age, the natural exfoliation process slows down. Because of which too many dead skin cells start accumulating on the skin. In such a situation, exfoliate your skin once a week with the help of mild scrub and home scrub. It increases sales turnover and prevents file lines and wrinkles.

4. Use retinoids every night

Retinoids are a popular anti aging ingredient derived from Vitamin A. According to the American Academy of Dermatology Association, its use works effectively in reducing other signs of aging like wrinkles.

Retinoids increase collagen production in the skin. At the same time, it is very important to have sufficient amount of collagen to control aging. However, avoid exposure to the sun’s rays by applying it. Also, its use for pregnant women is not appropriate at all.

Here are some effective home remedies to reduce wrinkles on hands

1. Milk will give enough moisture to the skin

Milk can help you reduce wrinkles on your hands. After exfoliating the hands, massage the skin with raw milk. Rich in antioxidants and other important fatty acids, milk softens your skin while acting as a natural moisturizer.

homemade fruit masks
All these elements provide relief from external problems by improving skin health. Image- shutterstock.

2. Banana will be effective

Bananas are rich in antioxidants and Vitamin C. Both of these are known to be effective nutrients for wrinkles. Mash a banana well and massage your hands with its pulp. After that leave it attached. When it dries, clean the hands with normal water. For proper results, apply it at least twice a week.

3. Rice paste

Rice mask works effectively in reducing wrinkles. In this case, blend the rice and make its powder. Now add rose water and milk to it. Apply it on your hands, when it dries, clean the hands with lukewarm water. Must repeat twice a week for proper results.

4. Tomato juice

Antioxidants are found in sufficient quantity in tomatoes. Also it is an excellent source of lycopene. It protects your skin and provides it with sufficient moisture. In this case, take out tomato juice and apply it on your skin and massage the skin for some time. Then leave it to dry, after that clean the skin with cold water. Also, to meet the daily dose of antioxidants, you can make tomato juice a part of your diet.

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