Know the signs and preventive measures of fatty liver disease.- Know here the causes, symptoms and preventive measures of fatty liver.


If your liver is healthy, your metabolism will also be better. Metabolism makes the nutrients of the food fit for use in the body. Due to which you not only stay healthy, but also keep your weight under control. Whereas in case of liver damage or fatty liver, you may have to face many other problems along with increasing your weight. Let us know what is the problem of fatty liver and what you should do to avoid it (how to overcome fatty liver disease).

For your overall health, it is necessary for every part of the body to be healthy. Especially your internal organs do many such things, about which you do not understand much. Liver is one such organ. Due to bad eating habits and lifestyle, the problem of fatty liver is increasing in people.

Health Shots spoke to Dr. Sanjay Kala, Principal, Ganesh Shankar Vidyarthi Medical College, Kanpur, to know what are the reasons for this and how we can avoid them. Dr. Sanjay explains that the problem with the liver is that the symptoms of its deterioration appear very late. By the time you come to know about fatty liver, this problem has increased up to 75 percent. That’s why it is important that you get the necessary tests done every year for the health of the liver. Once the problem is confirmed, it is important that you make necessary changes in your diet and lifestyle.

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These signs show that your liver is getting sick

Those who have problems or diseases in their liver, they start having problems like swelling in their feet, jaundice, filling water in the stomach. In such a situation, it would be appropriate to consult a doctor immediately. In such a situation, there is a 75 percent chance that the liver is damaged. Because such symptoms appear only when the liver is damaged. As the disease progresses, depression, vomiting blood, confusion, kidney damage can occur.

Diet for fatty liver should be like this

Dr. Sanjay Kala says that people who have been diagnosed with fatty liver in their screening should control their diet. Take healthy diet with exercise during fatty liver. Due to which the weight can be reduced by 15 percent. They suggest to include more fiber, carbs, polyunsaturated fat-rich things in the diet. Due to this, whatever the body needs, the body gets in abundance. Due to this the weight will also reduce and weakness will not be felt. This diet is sufficient for those who are suffering from this disease. In fatty liver, doctors recommend home-cooked food. Homemade food is pure and rich in proteins.

Take care of your liver, avoid fatty liver. Image: shutterstock

what not to eat in liver problem

People who have liver related problems and like to eat non-veg, then keep proper distance. Non-vegetarian food can harm your health more. However, not all non-vegetarian food falls into this category. Red meat, mutton, including other non-veg food are harmful for fatty liver.
While fish is high in polyunsaturated fat, chicken also has a low percentage of saturated fat. Both of these can be used while eating in the problem of fatty liver. Health will also be good by consuming them. The thing to note is that whatever is being prepared for food, the amount of spices and oil should not be high in it. Before eating any diet, you should also know about its glycemic index and your BMI. So that we can know when to eat a diet, how much to eat and what is the right way to eat it.

What to do in case of liver damage

Dr. Sanjay Kala, Principal of Kanpur’s Ganesh Shankar Vidyarthi Medical College, says that liver screening should be done at a fixed time. So that whatever problem is happening, it can be treated in time. It is also necessary to control the diet. Avoiding the consumption of oily, fast food, non-veg etc. will be better for health.

ek chauthayi aabadi fatty liver disease se grest hai
One fourth of the population suffers from fatty liver disease. Image: shutterstock

The right amount of protein keeps the liver healthy

Dr. Sanjay Kala, Principal, GSVM Medical College, says that in a day, the body needs one gram per one kilogram of protein according to its weight. Understand in simple language, if your weight is 55 kg, then you will need only 55 grams of protein every day. Now it depends on you whether you are compensating protein for the body with veg food or non-veg food. When you take care of your diet, the problem of fatty liver will be less in the body. Swelling of the feet, problems caused by water in the stomach will also end. Dr. Kala also says that if the problem is severe, do not sit at home, but immediately consult a doctor and start the treatment.

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