Sonth Benefits: To get many benefits in winter, do consume dry ginger, cold and fever will also reduce.



The thermogenic agent present in ginger can burn extra fat present in the body along with improving metabolism.
One of the best benefits of dry ginger powder is to provide relief from headache.

Dry Ginger or Sonth Benefits: In winter, people start adopting all the remedies to give warmth to their body. While on the one hand different things are taken from room heater to bonfire, on the other hand there is an emphasis on eating especially hot things in food. Be it spiced tea prepared with ginger or warm milk with turmeric and jaggery. In this episode, a name of Sonth is also included, which you can also use in place of ginger.

Actually, dry ginger is prepared by drying ginger. According to many dieticians, consumption of dry ginger in winter is very beneficial. Along with keeping the body warm, dry ginger is not only rich in nutrients like vitamin C, fiber, iron, protein, carbohydrates, but the antioxidant and anti-bacterial properties present in it also protect against infections like fever and cold in winter. keep So let’s know about some special properties of dry ginger.

relieve headache

stylecraze dot com According to, one of the best benefits of dry ginger powder is to provide relief from headache. If you apply dry ginger powder paste on the forehead, then the problem of headache can be cured. This therapy is used to cure headache. You can also apply this paste on your throat to get relief from throat pain.

Will get relief from cold and flu

Many times problems like cold and flu become common due to the havoc of cold. In such a situation, consuming dry ginger can prove to be very beneficial. For this, dry ginger can be mixed with tea or a decoction made from a mixture of dry ginger, ginger, basil, black pepper, cinnamon and cloves works to give immense relief.

read this also: Are you using fake ginger in winter? This is how to identify the real

Dry ginger reduces the pain of arthritis

In winter, some people, especially the elderly, face a lot of problems related to bone pain like joint pain, back pain, arthritis. Dry ginger is a great remedy for this. The anti-inflammatory element present in dry ginger can not only provide relief from arthritis pain, but can also prove effective in reducing muscle inflammation.

Dry ginger strengthens metabolism

The thermogenic agent present in dry ginger can work to improve metabolism as well as burn extra fat present in the body. Along with this, consumption of dry ginger can also keep the cholesterol level under control.

read this also: Will only 4 grams of ginger do wonders in winter? These diseases including diabetes will be cured

Tags: Health, Health benefit, Lifestyle


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