know the main causes of Interrupted sleep – Know about the main causes of Interrupted sleep.


Along with a healthy lifestyle, it is also very important to have a healthy sleep pattern. A better sleep helps you to be healthy both physically and mentally. You yourself must have felt that the day we do not sleep better. On that day there are definitely problems like body pain, tiredness. This is because during sleep our whole body gets a chance to relax and release toxins. Many serious health problems can also occur due to incomplete sleep. Including the problem of Interrupted sleep.

The problem of interrupted sleep is considered a serious condition. In which the person may have problems like not sleeping for a long time or frequent sleep breaks. Let us know about this serious condition through this article of Health Shots.

First understand what is the problem of interrupted sleep?

According to the advice of experts, it is necessary to get 7 to 9 hours of sleep for a healthy body. It is normal to wake up 1 to 2 times during the night. In the same interrupted sleep problem, the person wakes up at least 4 times for a long time during about eight hours.

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Know the main reasons for this problem

sleep apnea

In the condition of sleep apnea, a person’s breathing repeatedly stops while sleeping. Due to this, there can be problems like not sleeping for a long time and getting up again and again. Along with this, increasing body weight can also cause sleep apnea.

intake of caffeine or alcohol

According to experts, if you consume caffeine or alcohol two hours before sleeping, it can cause poor sleep. Due to this you may have to go to urinate again and again, you may have trouble sleeping for a long time. Because consuming caffeine relaxes and activates the body, which can affect your sleep pattern.

The problem of interrupted sleep has been seen due to some lifestyle habits.

digital devices

Artificial light emitted from digital devices puts stress on your mental health and eyes. According to Research Gate’s research, the light emitted from smartphones, laptops and other electronics reduces your melatonin level. It is a special hormone, which is believed to be responsible for giving restful sleep.

anxiety and depression

If everyday events cause you to worry excessively, you may have an anxiety disorder. Due to this, your sleep can get spoiled again and again. In addition, people with bipolar disorder or mood disorders may also have sleep problems, including waking during the night. Talk to the doctor for its correct treatment.

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prescription drugs

According to the experts of PubMed Central, if you are suffering from any health problem or taking medicine. Due to this also you may have the problem of interrupted sleep. Especially allergy, heart disease, high blood pressure, ADHD disease etc. Consult a doctor as soon as its symptoms appear.

exercise before sleeping

In most cases, exercise helps in getting better sleep. But if you exercise too much before you go to sleep, your body makes more cortisol. This is a hormone that helps you to be more active. It may prevent you from falling asleep or cause prolonged sleeplessness.

Do not ignore the symptoms of interrupted sleep

Do not ignore these symptoms

Interrupted sleep causes problems such as not sleeping for a long time or waking up repeatedly.

Talking about its other symptoms, the Sleep Foundation has described frequent mood changes, feeling sleepy throughout the day, strange restlessness, shortness of breath or trouble sleeping.

Let us now know how to solve the problem of interrupted sleep.

To solve the problem of interrupted sleep, Harvard Medical School has talked about these suggestions –

make lifestyle changes

The problem of interrupted sleep has been seen due to some lifestyle habits. Therefore, along with avoiding late night eating, avoid consuming caffeine and alcohol. Make a habit of walking instead of exercise before sleeping.

work on stress management

Anxiety and depression have been found to be the main causes of interrupted sleep. For this you will need to work on stress management techniques. Along with consulting a doctor, meditation and stress management therapy and exercise can help.

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