World health day: Here are expert backed tips to stay healthy and live long


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Health and fitness is a combination of three major elements – physical-body, mental-mind and social health. If even one of these three things is wrong, then the other two things will also be affected along with it, it is certain. Today, on the occasion of World Health Day, let us assess those things, which can be helpful in giving you a long, healthy and beautiful life (Tips to stay healthy).

We’re with you to explain what good health is and how you can ensure it. Prachi Jain, Prachi is the Chief Clinical Nutritionist & HOD (Nutrition & Dietetics) at CK Birla Hospital, Gurgaon.

Your lifestyle and diet is the basis of all these three things. That is, if it is good then your overall health will also be good and if it is bad, then you should not delay in getting health insurance.

Understand what is holistic health

1 Physical health

It is the ability of our body to carry out day to day activities and that too without constraints like fatigue, physical stress. In other words, feet make up more than half of our body, so one should be physically active and exercise for at least 45 minutes every day.

Physical exercise is the basis of good health. Image: Adobe Stock

These exercises include running, jogging, swimming, dancing, Zumba, treadmill, cycling, brisk walking, stair climbing.

2 Mental health

It is a state of health of the brain or mind. Being mentally healthy means that a person does not have psychological problems like stress, depression, anxiety, overthinking. If you are mentally healthy, you can deal with stress, control emotions and control anger.

3 Social health

It refers to maintaining good and harmonious relations with other people. This is possible only when you are physically and mentally fit.

Identify the enemies of your health

Nutritionist Prachi says, “An inactive lifestyle means minimal physical activity or not getting enough physical activity. Such lifestyle is one of the major reasons for many serious diseases. Lack of physical activity increases the risk of diseases like weight gain, obesity, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, high blood pressure, hormonal dysfunction, depression. Apart from this, non-healthy habits of eating and drinking can also prove fatal.

1 Sedentary lifestyle

Sedentary job – Due to lack of physical activity, the weight of a person increases and there is a problem of obesity.

2 Unhealthy eating habits

Skipping food, Ready to eat outside food, Unhealthy food, Overeating, Outside food, Packaged food etc.

3 Excessive smoking or drinking

Smoking due to social status, pressure of modernization, inability to cope with stress, wrong habits or drink wine

4 Being Too Stressed

Personal and professional worries, competitions, pressure to meet targets, lack of adequate sleep, etc.

5 Unhealthy work culture

These days most of the people are in long sitting jobs. The increased dependence on internet has reduced physical movement. Also sitting in a closed compact AC cabin neither they get any fresh air nor sunlight. Working long hours, night shift, overtime in job etc. are also harming the health.

Long working hours are beneficial for your health.
Long working hours are affecting your health. Image: Adobe Stock

All the above factors are increasing the risk for health. That’s why it is necessary that some action should be taken on them as soon as possible. In this, only exercising is not enough, but you also need to eat right and eat safe.

Prachi Jain says that in order to keep your body healthy and well, it is important that you make changes in your lifestyle, which include these things-

Food we eat eat safe and healthy junk food Avoid any contamination and unintentional contamination Read nutrition labels on food items.

Exercises we do Engage in any physical activity for 45 minutes
Take care of personal and surrounding cleanliness and hygiene.

also remember

  1. A balanced diet is most important – eat all kinds of things, eat in the right amounts.
  2. Bring variety to the diet – eat different types and different colored fruits and vegetables, seeds etc.
  3. Eliminate toxic trans fats – Avoid fried and deep fried foods.
  4. Reduce consumption of salt, sugar and saturated trans-fats
  5. Eat fortified foods to make up for micro-nutrient deficiencies.
  6. Do not skip meals at any time – have a habit of eating less and frequently, eat on time,
    Do not eat packaged, preserved, processed, bakery, flour, fried and canned food, do not eat outside and late night food.
  7. Do not consume alcohol, smoking and tobacco.
  8. Drink plenty of water and eat locally grown, natural foods.

Eating right is an indicator of how much you respect yourself, and don’t forget that health is the only asset that will always accompany you.

Read this also – World health day 2023: Women of all ages should take care of these 4 things for their health


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