Know the causes and preventive measures of hair fall.


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Hair loss is a common problem around the world, although each person experiences hair loss differently. Not taking proper care of hair is the first reason for hair fall. But there are some other reasons which increase this problem even more (Causes of hair fall). Wrong hair styling is also one of them. Let’s know the reasons for hair fall and the ways to control them (How to reduce hair fall).

Hair loss can be scary and sometimes out of control. However, how can you tell if your hair is falling out more than usual? People usually lose 100 or less hairs per day. But most people do not feel any difference as their new hair comes back just as fast. But when the hair does not come back, you may find your hair receding and thinning. However, there are steps you can take to prevent hair loss.

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Let us know the causes of hair fall and their solutions.

1 Protein Deficiency

The amount of protein in your diet can have an effect on the rate at which your hair grows. Especially if you are a vegetarian or vegan, you must keep an eye on your protein intake. You need 1 to 1.6 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight per day.

Eating beans, legumes, eggs and other protein-rich foods are some of the ways to meet your daily protein needs. You can also drink protein shake.

To increase the circulation of regular blood in the head, you should do head massage.

2 Stress and mental fatigue

Apart from external things, many internal things including physical and psychological can lead to hair loss. By adopting a healthy lifestyle that includes eating a balanced diet, getting regular exercise, and managing your stress levels, you can keep your body healthy. You can also meditate to reduce your stress.

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3 Bad Hairstyles

Adopting new hairstyles has become a trend these days. By making new hairstyles you also get a new look. But sometimes due to the new hairstyle, your hair can also get damaged. You have to take care of the health of your hair as much as you are taking care of your look.

Pull-back, braided, or ponytail hairstyles that are too tight usually damage your hair and trigger hair loss. You should also avoid coloring your hair and using heat products.

Avoid oiling hair

To increase the circulation of regular blood in the head, you should do head massage. Due to which hair loss can be helped. Apart from growing hair, it also keeps it healthy and also reduces stress.

A 2016 study found that frequent scalp massages helped make hair thicker. Use hot oil to massage your scalp as hot oil helps seal the hair cuticles, strengthen hair and protect them from the roots.

Bharpur Poshan
The amount of protein in your diet can have an effect on the rate at which your hair grows. Image: shutterstock

5 Vitamin Deficiencies

Deficiencies in vitamins and minerals such as vitamins A, B, C, D, E, iron and zinc can affect your hair growth. Your doctor can tell you if you have a vitamin deficiency and prescribe the right supplements to prevent hair loss.

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