Include 5 vegetarian foods in the diet, there will never be a shortage of calcium, bones will become strong



A good amount of calcium is found in dairy products.
Spinach can be considered a good source of calcium.

Best Calcium Rich Foods: Vegetarian people need to take a healthy diet to get essential nutrients for their body. Some vegetarian people are not able to take the right diet and become a victim of nutritional deficiency. An essential element in these is calcium, which is necessary to keep bones strong. There is a lot of calcium in all non-veg foods and its deficiency can be completed quickly in such people. Now the question arises that how can vegetarian people complete the calcium deficiency. Today we will tell you about such super foods, which will make bones strong by filling calcium deficiency.

Milk Milk is considered the best source of calcium. People who do not eat non-veg, they must drink milk to make up for calcium deficiency. healthline report In addition to calcium, milk is rich in protein, vitamin A and vitamin D, which keeps the body fit. Digestion system improves by drinking milk every night.

Cheese Dairy products contain a good amount of calcium. Talking about paneer, it contains sufficient amount of calcium and protein, which is considered very beneficial for your bones. Consumption of paneer also reduces the risk of heart disease and stroke. If you do not drink milk, then you can take paneer and curd.

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Lentils & Beans Lentils and beans also have a lot of nutrients including calcium protein. If you include the right amount of pulses and legumes in your diet, then health will get many benefits. Pulses and legumes contain calcium, fiber, protein and micronutrients, which can improve overall health.

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Almonds- Almond is considered a good dry fruit to meet calcium deficiency. You can have about 28 grams of almonds as a snack every day. With this you will also get protein, magnesium and healthy fat. Eating almonds helps in reducing blood pressure and prevents metabolic diseases. However, excessive consumption of almonds should be avoided.

Leafy Greens- Green leafy vegetables also contain a lot of calcium. Spinach contains the most calcium and you can include it in your diet. Vegetables contain natural compounds that improve health. Apart from this, you can stay healthy and fit by eating seasonal fruits.

Tags: Health, Healthy Foods, Lifestyle, Trending news


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