If you see 5 signs, then understand that the liver is getting damaged! Make changes in 4 habits immediately, the risk will be less



Liver disease is also caused by poor lifestyle and food habits.
To avoid liver disease, it is necessary to keep distance from alcohol.

Liver Disease Symptoms: Many people eat even a little bit, then they are not able to digest it, this happens because of their weak liver. Liver is a very important part of the body. If the liver becomes weak or damaged then it can be quite fatal. Sometimes liver damage can also be fatal. If the liver becomes weak then problems like weakness, loss of appetite, vomiting, sleeplessness also start to occur. In such a situation, it is very important that we take special care of our liver. If there is any problem in the liver, then its signs are already visible. If they are identified and treated at the right time, then the problem can be solved.

Liver is an organ of our body which is the size of a small football. myoclinic According to the liver is a very important organ for digesting food and taking out toxins. Liver disease can also be genetic. Long-term liver damage also increases the risk of liver cirrhosis. When there is a disturbance in the liver, some initial signs start appearing. Let’s know about themโ€ฆ

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Symptoms of liver disease
Liver related problems can be caused due to many reasons like virus infection, alcohol and obesity. When liver related problems increase with time, it can also become the cause of liver failure. However, if the liver is treated in time, the problem can be cured. The following symptoms may appear when the liver is damaged:

Yellowing of the skin and eyes (jaundice)
Pelvic pain and swelling
– Swelling of knees, feet
– itching in the skin
having dark urine
– severe fatigue
– Dizziness and vomiting
– Confusion

due to liver disease
– Infection
Abnormal immune system
โ€“ genetics
– cancer

It is necessary to change these habits

1. Alcohol โ€“ If you have become a victim of liver disease, then it is necessary to stay away from alcohol. If we talk about healthy adults, then women should not take more than one drink a day and men should not take more than 2 drinks a day. Drinking too much alcohol greatly increases the risk of liver cirrhosis.

2. Medication Many people have a habit of taking medicines without medical advice. But this habit can become the cause of liver related diseases. Take prescribed or nonprescribed medicines only when necessary. Never mix medication and alcohol. Consult a doctor before taking herbal supplements.

3. Weight โ€“ Obesity is also a major reason for liver related diseases. Liver disease can occur due to bad food habits. In such a situation, it is necessary to control the increasing weight. Being overweight can lead to nonalcoholic fatty liver disease.

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4. Hygiene โ€“ Not taking care of cleanliness can also be the reason for liver disease. Especially food and drink hygiene is very important. For this, always make it a habit to clean hands thoroughly before eating or preparing food. Where the availability of water is less or if clean water is not available, then bottle water can be preferred. Along with this, keep cleaning your hands and teeth regularly.

Tags: Health, Lifestyle


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