What if you took an omega-3 fatty acid supplement every day? There will be an effect on the mind and heart in 5 ways


Omega-3 Fatty Acids Supplements Benefits: Although we do not consider eating fat as good for health, but when it comes to omega-3 fatty acids, doctors also recommend eating it. Omega-3 fatty acids boost our body’s immunity, balance hormones and also keep reproductive health good. Here we tell you how beneficial it can be for our health.


According to the National Institutes of Health, the average adult consumes only 90 to 110 of the 250 milligrams of omega-3s needed daily to prevent death from heart disease. If you consume fatty fish every week then it can be supplied. But it is not possible for most of the people to do this. In such a situation, it is necessary for people to consume omega 3 fatty acid supplement on the advice of a doctor.


When you consume omega-3, it can reduce your risk of heart attack. Apart from reducing blood pressure and triglycerides, it can also prevent blood clots which are a major cause of heart attack. One research found that people who took DHA/EPA supplements were 13% less likely to have a heart attack and 35% less likely to die. Image: Canva


According to EatHealthy, it can also help improve your brain function. Let us tell you that your brain is made up of about 60% fat and 10% to 20% of that fat is DHA. It strengthens the delicate membranes that protect your brain cells. This is important for short-term and long-term cognitive health. It has been found in researches that in which Om


Omega-3 fatty acids also help in controlling depression. A research has found that if 1 gram of omega-3 supplements are taken per day, there is a significant improvement in the symptoms of depression. In this way, if you are a victim of depression and feel low, then include omega-3 fatty acids in the diet or take supplements. Image: Canva


Even if your eyesight is low, you should try to fulfill the deficiency of Omega-3. Research shows that DHA can reduce inflammation that causes dry eyes and promote tear production. Image : Canva


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