here are 5 yoga myths.- Learn here some common myths related to yoga.


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All of you would be aware of how important yoga practice is for our body. Along with boosting immunity, it also helps in controlling your blood pressure and blood sugar level. Along with this, it releases stress and also maintains your mental health. Yoga practice is very beneficial for the overall body and mind health. But over the years, there is such a concept about yoga, due to which there are many people who shy away from participating in yoga practice and remain deprived of its important benefits. In such a situation, today we have brought such 5 myths related to Yoga, which it is important for you to know.

Celebrity yoga and wellness expert Anshuka, through her Instagram, has told about some myths related to yoga, which everyone should be aware of. So let’s know the truth related to these myths.

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Learn here some common myths related to yoga

1. It is necessary for the body to be flexible to do yoga

It is not at all necessary that your body should be flexible to do yoga. Every person’s body has its own capacity of flexibility. And yoga practice amplifies it over time. Yoga is a combination of strength, balance, flexibility and concentration. So don’t be under the illusion that the body needs to be flexible to do yoga.

Know here the truth of such 5 myths related to yoga. Image: AdobeStock

2. Only skinny people can do yoga

This is nothing more than a myth. It is not necessary that only thin and underweight persons can practice yoga. Yoga does not depend on your body size and weight from anywhere.

There are some yoga poses that can be difficult to do with body weight. But there are different types of yoga asanas, which can be practiced by obese people as well. On the other hand, by doing yoga regularly, gradually the body becomes flexible, then you can try to practice other yogasanas.

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3. Asthma sufferers should not practice yoga

It is a huge myth that people suffering from asthma cannot practice yoga. If a person is suffering from asthma, they must practice yoga. Pranayama, meditation, breathing exercises, etc. increase the oxygen level in the body. Due to which one can see improvement in their condition. Regular yoga practice can reduce the dosage of medicines for an asthma patient. So avoid falling into such concepts.

A good diet and regular exercise are essential. Image: shutterstock

4. Only young people can participate in yoga

This concept has been going on for years that only young people can practice yoga. But this is a big myth. Yoga practice has nothing to do with your gender age and body type. Yoga demands only meditation and concentration.

If an older person is doing yoga with full attention and concentration, then he will definitely get its benefits. Although, some yogasanas may be difficult to do after one age, but there are many yogasanas which can be practiced even in old age.

5. Only women can do yoga

This concept has remained in people’s mind for years that only women can practice yoga. But it is not at all like that any person who wants to keep himself fit can practice yoga. Yoga is not gender specific in any way. At the same time, many men have been yoga gurus. Don’t be deprived of the benefits of yoga even by mistake due to these illusions.

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