5 benefits of hibiscus flower for hair


In Ayurveda, Hibiscus flower, also known as Gudhal ka Phool, is very famous for hair growth. Both the petals and leaves of the flower are known to improve hair growth due to their pitta-balancing properties. According to Ayurveda, hair fall occurs due to damage to the hair follicles due to excessive heat in the body. The cooling properties of hibiscus make it a good pitta-balancing herb, which is beneficial for hair loss and regrowth problems.

benefits of hibiscus for hair

beneficial for hair loss

Hibiscus flowers are rich in flavonoids and amino acids. Flavonoids increase blood circulation in the head. Helps stimulate dormant follicles. While the amino acid helps in the production of keratin in the hair. Due to which the hair gets a lot of shine and the hair is also long. This also removes the problem of hair thinning.

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Hibiscus plants are packed with resilient properties that protect your scalp from sun damage.

Prevents scalp infection

Scalp infection may initially seem normal to you. But as it grows it causes many hair problems. If the infection of the hair is not taken care of then there may be problems like dandruff, hair fall, hair thinning, split ends. The use of hibiscus oil can prevent the spread of this infection.

to reduce dandruff

According to Ayurveda, dandruff is caused by the aggravation of Vata and Kapha doshas. Aggravation of these doshas leads to yeast accumulation on your scalp, which leads to wet or dry dandruff. Dandruff clogs the hair follicles and prevents hair growth, leading to hair loss. Hibiscus oil can also be used for this.

Protects scalp from sun damage

Hibiscus plants are packed with resilient properties that protect your scalp from sun damage. According to a research, the flavonoids present in hibiscus act like a sunscreen to protect your hair from UVB rays.

Prevents scalp from getting oily

There is a sebaceous gland in the head which produces an oily substance called sebum to protect the hair from drying. Hormonal imbalance or due to aggravation of Kapha dosha triggers the production of excess sebum. Due to which more oil comes out in the hair and the hair becomes sticky.

The astringent properties of hibiscus balance the activity of these glands to retain the natural moisture in your hair.

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How to use hibiscus

Hibiscus and curd paste to strengthen hair

Blend three to four hibiscus leaves and flowers to make a paste

2 Add four tablespoons of curd to the paste and mix well to make a smooth paste

Apply this paste thoroughly on your hair and scalp

4 Leave it for an hour. You can cover your hair with a shower cap

Wash your hair with water and mild shampoo

Hibiscus hair mask for dry hair

1 Mix two tablespoons of crushed hibiscus petals, coconut milk and honey in a bowl.

2 Add four tablespoons of aloe vera gel and two tablespoons of curd to the mixture and mix well to make a thick paste.

3 Apply this paste to your scalp and hair and leave it for 30 minutes.

Wash off with lukewarm water and a mild shampoo

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