Health benefits of Lauki aka bottle gourd.- 5 health benefits of eating gourd or ghee in summer.


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On hearing the name of ghee, not only children but also adults start making faces. Most of the people consume it for stomach related problems or just as comfort food. Apart from this, you must have noticed that more ghee starts coming in the market during summer. Actually nature has given us some special fruits and vegetables for every season. One such special vegetable of summer is bottle gourd i.e. Ghee. Let us know the benefits of consuming it in summer.

Summers often lead to problems like heavy eating and digestive disturbances. In such a situation, if ghee soup is consumed, then what else would be comfort and light food? According to Ayurveda, regular consumption of Ghiya i.e. gourd can give you relief from all the problems of summer.

Ghee is a storehouse of nutrients

Now if it comes to nutrients, then it would not be wrong to call Ghee a storehouse of nutrients. Due to which its daily consumption is considered beneficial even in Ayurveda. Bottle gourd is found in plenty of potassium, folate, calcium, magnesium, and vitamin C. Due to which its intake can give relief from vomiting, upset stomach and weakness.

Not only this, experts have found that consuming it can also rid you of dangerous diseases –

Let us know the health benefits of consuming bottle gourd in summer.

1. Protects from ill effects of rising temperature

It has been said in Ayurveda that ghee has a cooling effect. Due to which it can be a good option to include it in the summer diet. For this, you can consume ghee salad, ghee raita or juice. Due to its cooling effect, it does not allow the temperature of the environment to dominate the body. That’s why its use in summer can prove to be excellent.

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2. Beneficial for weight loss

You must have heard that consuming ghee regularly on a daily basis reduces weight in a natural way. In the research of PubMed Central, ghee has also been considered beneficial for weight loss. According to research, due to the high amount of fiber and water, it does not allow calories to increase in the body. Its intake keeps you filling for a long time. Due to which you consume less calories in the next meal.

3. Reduce Hair Loss

Consumption of ghee is beneficial not only for health but also for skin and hair health. According to a research conducted by NCBI on ghee, applying it mixed with ghee juice and sesame oil provides relief from hair fall. The vitamins and essential minerals found in it strengthen the hair follicles and strengthen the roots.

4. Take care of immunity

Viral and flu-like problems often increase during summer. In such a situation, doctors always ask to consume Ghee or Torai. Because along with its cooling effect, nutrients that fight diseases are found in it. Along with being an antioxidant in gourd i.e. ghee, a high amount of essential water has been found. Which also helps in keeping the body hydrated by removing toxins from the body.

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5. Help with digestion

Consumption of ghee has been considered most beneficial for problems related to digestion. Due to the high amount of fiber and water in it, it gives relief in stomach related problems.

Research in the Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated Medicine has clearly proved that dietary fiber found in vegetables can provide quick relief from constipation, indigestion and even piles. This is the reason why apart from experts, grandmothers also recommend eating ghee in case of upset stomach.

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