Can heart patients eat ghee and butter? Know the answer from the expert Punjabi news


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Health News. Its cases are increasing rapidly not only among adults but also among the youth. Heart patients too Cholesterol (Cholesterol) The level has to be kept under control, so that the risk does not increase much. Adding more fat to food increases the risk of cholesterol. This is the reason why heart patients avoid eating ghee or butter. Health experts say that the eating habits of heart patients also become limited.

Most of the heart the patient (Patient) Avoid including ghee and butter in your diet. But the question is whether heart patients should really avoid ghee or butter or should include them in their diet. We have also spoken to our experts in this regard.

Risk of heart diseases with ghee

Yoga Guru and Yoga Institute (Yoga Institute) Founder of Dr. Hansa Yogendra says that there is often confusion among people regarding this matter. Ghee and butter are rich in saturated fat. This is the reason why the risk of heart diseases increases.

Can heart patients eat ghee and butter?

Dr. Hansa Yoginder says that heart patients can eat home-made white butter and ghee in small quantities. Focus on protein rich diet like cheese, pulses and vegetables. Also limit sugar and high sodium items. Include whole grains in your diet instead of refined carbohydrates.

Control your food and drink too

Apart from this, control your food and drink. Keep yourself hydrated as much as possible. For this drink plenty of water and stay hydrated. do not drink alcohol Get your blood sugar and blood pressure checked regularly. Enjoy the festivities by putting health first.
