easy and simple way to increase excitement in sex life.- 5 easy ways to increase excitement in sex life.


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Busyness, lack of time, lack of communication and many other reasons can increase the distance in anyone’s relationship. But even being together, if both of you have started eating sparks for each other, then it is a more worrying situation than the distance. It is normal for the sex ratio to decrease with age. But despite this, you can improve your sex life and orgasm journey. Want to know how? So just keep reading this article till the end.

Many times due to busy time, partners are not able to give time to each other, due to which many times distance starts coming in their relationship. Interest in sex life decreases or orgasm is not achieved. Due to which sometimes there is tension.

But you can do many things to make your sex life happy. Small things which we may not find necessary, you can make your boring life very excited by doing the same things many times.

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Many times you get bored by having sex in the same room or on the same bed or in the same place. Image: Adobe Stock

Some tips that will fill your sex with pleasure

1 change position

Try trying some new positions. Using new types of experiments can provide different stimulation. Adopt a position different from the position in which you have sex everyday because one position can bore your partner.

Men always like to try new positions, while women like to stay in the same comfortable position. Get out of your comfort and try something new. If you do not know much about the position, what to try, you can also keep a pillow under your waist only. Even this will make a lot of difference in your sex.

2 Try To Excite The Partner

You should also not avoid foreplay to excite your partner. In fact it is something both of them like. You can touch your body in front of your partner. For this, first of all you have to love your body and prepare your partner for it.

Sometimes foreplay before sex gives more orgasm in sex. By flaunting your body in front of men, you can excite them. Try to involve your partner in this and ask them to do something that you enjoy. With this, the excitement can be at its peak in both of you.

Try at different places in the house

Many times you get bored by having sex in the same room or on the same bed or in the same place. That’s why you should try different places in the whole house. Like on the sofa, in the balcony, in the kitchen, on the table and anywhere where you and your partner are comfortable. You have to get out of your bedroom.

Sometimes light, fragrance, music also stimulates for sex, so you can do that too.

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When you’ve been with a partner for a long time, sometimes sex loses its excitement. Image shutterstock.

4 Change location

Go to new locations so that you can have sex with more enjoyment. Sometimes your bedroom is not able to give you the enjoyment that you get by going to some other place. So you get out of the bedroom with your partner on the weekend and go somewhere new and try it. It can give you good experience.

5 Undress Each Other

When you are very busy, it is very important to make time for sex and in such a situation, you forget small things. These little things help in making your sex much better. When you’ve been with a partner for a long time, sometimes sex loses its excitement.

For this, you should do some things like if you take off your clothes very quickly at the beginning of sex, then change it. You take off each other’s clothes, that too very slowly, you can also keep some clothes on your body. This makes sex more stimulating.

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