Onion extract may reduce blood sugar by 50 percent amazingly diabetes effective home remedy pyaz se control hoga sugar



Heart disease can be prevented by keeping blood sugar under control.
Onion is rich in many properties and is beneficial for diabetes.

Onion Extract Controls Diabetes: A vegetable kept in your kitchen can prove to be a boon for diabetes patients. It must be surprising to hear, but this thing has come to the fore in a research. Researchers have found the cheapest and easiest way to control blood sugar in this research. In just a few rupees, you can control diabetes for a long time. The good thing is that your health will get many great benefits from this vegetable and the risk of side effects is also negligible. Let us know about this research in detail.

express report In a program organized in America, scientists had told that if diabetic patients consume Onion Extract, it can help in reducing blood sugar by 50%. Cholesterol level is also controlled by onion juice. Not only this, it can also help in weight maintenance. Experts doing research believe that consuming onion can be the cheapest and easily available way to control diabetes. Eating onions also gives many other benefits to the body.

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How should diabetic patients consume onions?
According to the researchers, taking out onion extract and drinking it, blood sugar starts to be controlled rapidly. Onion extracts can help reduce high blood sugar by half. This research was done on rats, in which diabetic rats were given 200, 400 and 600 mg of onion extract daily depending on their weight. Due to this, there was a rapid decrease in his blood sugar. A 35 to 50 percent reduction in blood sugar was recorded in rats with 400 and 600 mg. From this, it was estimated that the consumption of onion can do all the work of diabetes.

Other Health Benefits of Onions
– Improves heart health
Rich in anti-carcinogenic properties
– Boosts bone density
– Digestive health is better
– Rich in anti-bacterial properties

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Tags: Blood Sugar, Diabetes, Health, Lifestyle, Trending news


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