Contact lenses vs eye glasses which are best spectacles safe for eyes with eye sight aiims rp center ophthalmologist tells



According to a report, the number of people wearing lenses instead of spectacles is increasing in India.
RP Center AIIMS experts advise patients to wear spectacles instead of contact lenses.

Contact lenses VS Eye Glasses: When it comes to beauty, first of all eyes are mentioned, but eyes are necessary to see more beauty than to look beautiful. That’s why whenever the eyesight becomes weak, it is corrected by wearing glasses. For some time, people are moving fast towards getting contact lenses installed in their eyes to avoid the hassle of wearing glasses. A report states that from 2019 to 2025, the compound annual growth rate of contact lenses in India is estimated to increase by 7.5 percent in terms of revenue. However, recently, after a sensational case of loss of eyesight by wearing lenses from Florida, USA, fear has arisen among people about lenses. Wherein glasses or contact lenses, what is beneficial for the eyes? Debate has also started regarding this.

glasses or contact lenses, What is actually better for the eyes? taking it News18Hindi at the All India Institute of Medical Sciences Dr. Rajendra Prasad Center for Ophthalmic Sciences professor of Dr. Radhika Tandon have interacted with.

Dr. Radhika Tandon says that both glasses or contact lenses are applied in the eyes as a treatment for the problem. However, eye specialists ask patients to apply them in different circumstances because glasses are more effective for some patients, while some patients need lenses in their eyes. Both have their own advantages and disadvantages, but as an Ophthalmologist, wearing glasses is easier and better for the eyes than wearing contact lenses.

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Dr. Radhika says that ophthalmologists advise patients to wear glasses instead of contact lenses. It is very easy to put on and take off the glasses. There is no need for special education for this. It is applied over the eye, in such a situation neither it touches the inner part of the eye nor there is any danger of causing any infection. It can be worn continuously for any number of hours. There is no need to take special hygiene or precautions for this. These are all the reasons whether children or very busy elders and adults, all of them are advised to wear spectacles.

Dr. says that it is also advisable to wear contact lenses continuously for a maximum of 8 or 10 hours. Wearing more than this or not taking care of cleanliness can damage the eye. Due to contact on the cornea inside the eye and not being able to maintain hygiene, dangerous bacteria flourish and the eyesight can also go away. People sleep with lenses on or keep them on for more than 24 hours. This leads to hypoxia i.e. lack of oxygen in the eyes. The epithelia of the cornea also gets sick. Sometimes there is a mild defect in the eye or even the germs present around the eye start damaging the cornea. Sometimes contact lenses are infected or their solution can also be contaminated which can infect the pupil.

Lens advice is given to these people

Dr. of AIIMS says that people who have a high number of both or one eye and one is less, in such a condition the patient has difficulty in seeing through a single spectacle. Many times the image is not visible even with glasses or there is difficulty in using glasses for some reason, then such people are advised to wear contact lenses instead of glasses. Although the lens is a medicated procedure, patient education or training is very important for applying it, how to apply the lens and how to remove it with care. If you see even the slightest problem, show it to the Ophthalmologist without waiting.

Tags: Eyes, Health News


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