amazing uses of haritaki you never knew


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One of the valuable and beneficial spices, myrabalan takes care of everything from health to beauty. The root, stem and fruit of this tree are all beneficial. It is also called as Haritaki, which is one of the three fruits found in Triphala Rasa or Churan. Its length ranges from 2 to 5 cm. Sourness, sweetness, pungency, astringency and bitterness are found in Harad, which is full of five juices. You can suck it. Can be used in powder form. Also can drink in the form of juice and decoction. Know its benefitsbenefits of haritaki aka Harad)

What does Ayurveda say about myrrh

Talking about Harad, Naturopath Anil Bansal says, “According to Ayurveda, chewing it and eating it keeps the digestive system fit. Haritaki, used in Ayurvedic medicine as a herb, easily solves health-related problems. By sucking thick myrobalan, the problem of severe constipation is solved. At the same time, it is also very beneficial for hair. Consuming it and applying its juice to the hair is very beneficial.

By sucking thick myrobalan, the problem of severe constipation is solved and it is also very beneficial for hair. images adobe stock

how many types of myrobalans are there

Talking about Harad in more detail, Anil Bansal says, “It is a tree of height ranging from 50 to 80 feet. The leaves of this tree are long and wide. Myrabalan with small kernels and large shell is considered better. This tree bears fruits from January to April. There are seven types of myrobalan. Out of these, only two types are used more. Mostly only small myrobalan is used. Harad is also called Haritaki.

nutritive value of myrobalan

Herbs rich in anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties are rich in immunity. Protein, potassium, manganese, vitamins, iron and copper are found in myrobalan. The effect of myrobalan is effective in keeping seasonal diseases away. It contains 24 to 32 percent tannin. Not only this, it also contains 18 amino acids and phosphoric, succinic, quinic and shikimic acids in small amounts. As this fruit ripens, the number of tannins in it decreases and toxins increase.

Know how myrabalan can be beneficial for your health

skin allergy

Myrrh in skin diseases decoction very beneficial Proves Apart from this, the blood flow in the body is regulated by eating the powder of myrobalan and new cells also start developing.

dental problems

Due to toothache, apply the powder of myrobalan inside the mouth. This gives relief. Apart from this, taking myrobalan and catechu together gives strength to the teeth. By using myrabalan powder as a paste, one gets relief from dental diseases.

what is the parat jam jaati hai
If you do not brush your teeth after eating, a layer gets deposited on the teeth. Bacteria start to grow in the mouth from this sticky layer. images adobe stock

wound healing

For this, wash the wounds with the water of myrabalan. After that mix two grams of myrobalan in five grams of butter. After that apply it on the wound. This causes the wound to dry quickly.

burning during urination

Take two to five grams of myrabalan powder. Mix one spoon of honey in it. Burning sensation in urine and other problems related to it will be solved by its use.

digestive system

According to naturopath Anil Bansal, by sucking the myrobalan, it slowly makes food juice which is easily digested. In this way the problem of indigenization gets solved automatically. In this case, after eating, you can take Harad candy or Harad Churan. with regular use There is also benefit in weight reduction Get.

Keep these things in mind before consumption

According to Naturopath Anil Bansal, pregnant women should avoid taking myrobalan powder.

If you are suffering from any serious disease, then consume myrabalan only after medical advice.

Its excessive consumption can cause burning problem.

Due to the laxative element found in it, eating it in excess can also prove to be the cause of diarrhea.

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