Yoga session with savita yadav how to do marjariasana bhujangasana makarasana yoga exercises in sleeping position



If there is a health-related problem, practice after consulting a doctor.
Practicing these yogas according to your ability will be beneficial.

Yoga Session With Savita Yadav : There are some such yoga exercises which you can do very easily and you can get many benefits. If you feel stiffness or pain in your back, waist, neck etc. due to sitting for hours, then you can include some such exercises in your daily routine, which can be done lying down. Regular practice brings strength and flexibility to the back and upper body very quickly. Not only this, you can do these exercises by lying on your back, after doing which you also feel light. By doing these exercises, there is strength in the bones of the spine, the strain of the chest is reduced and you feel relaxed. So let’s know which exercises we can do while lying on the back.

start practicing
Sit on the mat in padmasana or any posture and stretch the body by interlocking the fingers of both your hands. Take a deep breath and hold it like this. Then, while loosening the body, lower the hands and make a posture of meditation. Now take a deep breath and close your eyes and focus on the outgoing breath. You can pronounce the word Om and pray. Do Sukshyama before practicing. Click on the video link to watch in detail.

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Marjorie Asan
To do Marjari Asana, sit on your mat in Vajrasana. Now taking a deep breath, place the palms of your hands on the mat facing forward. Keep the elbows of both the hands on the floor by touching the knees. Now make a gap of one hand and give full weight of the body on both the hands and stand on the knees. Keep in mind that both your hands remain in the same place. Now take a deep breath and stretch the waist downwards and keep the neck lifted. Now while holding, exhale and lift the waist, along with it, lower the neck. This can be called Cat Camel pose. Do this process for 10 cycles.

Lie down on the mat on your stomach. Keep the head on the hands in front and keep the toes of both the feet out towards the outer part of the mat. Take a deep breath and release. After some time, join the toes together and touch the hips with the heels while lifting the legs. You do this 20 times.

Read this also – YOGA SESSION: Shashankasana and Bhujangasana make the body strong, practice like this

Do this exercise before Bhujangasana
Lie down on the mat on your stomach and keep the palms of both the hands under the face. Now giving full weight on these, focus on the waist and lift the body till the waist once and then lie down as before. Keep taking deep breaths. You do this 10 times.

Bhujangasana (Bhujangasana)
Now keep both the palms on the side of the comb while lying on the mat. Now give full weight on both the hands and straighten the hands while lifting the whole body. Keep in mind that your body should be completely raised and your gaze should be upwards. During this, inhale once and while exhaling, lie down on the mat. It helps in strengthening the shoulders, arms, back, neck etc. Do this exercise also 10 times. After this, you should practice Ardha Shalabhasana. You can see the complete exercise on the video link.

Read this also – Do subtle exercises regularly, small postures will give you many benefits

Tags: Benefits of yoga, Health, Lifestyle, Yoga


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