Eat these 5 foods to make teeth white and steely like milk, gums will also become strong, do this work



The attack of bacteria in the teeth also occurs only when there is a deficiency of some essential vitamins and essential minerals in our body.
All kinds of nutrients are present in oily fish, which is necessary for the strength of teeth.

Foods for Strong Teeth: Healthy teeth and gums are a sign of healthy life in many ways. If the teeth and gums are weak, then we will have difficulty in eating, due to which we will not be able to get the nutrients properly. On the other hand, if the teeth look bad then it also affects the personality. Most of the people struggle with problems of teeth and gums, dirt, swelling, pain in jaws etc. Many vitamins and minerals are needed to keep teeth and gums healthy. For this, proper diet is required and there should be distance from bad addiction.

If the health of the teeth is good then there will be no attack of any external microorganisms. Fungus or bacterial attack also happens only when there is a deficiency of some essential vitamins and essential minerals in our body. Due to this, serious problems like gingivitis and periodontitis, tooth decay, pain, swelling, yellowing have to be faced. For all these problems, include some extra food in your diet so that these diseases will not occur.

food for strong teeth

1. Milk, buttermilk and cheeseAccording to the University of Chicago website, calcium and protein are most needed to make teeth and gums healthy and strong. For this, plenty of cheese, milk and buttermilk should be consumed. Cheese contains a high amount of phosphate which balances the pH of the teeth. Phosphate is needed for the formation of saliva in the mouth. The probiotic present in buttermilk reduces the acid level in the mouth, which prevents erosion of teeth and gums.

2. Water-Not only is water essential for life, it is also very important for teeth and gums. Our body is made up of 60 percent water, so water is essential for everything. If water is drunk with fluoride, then it gives double benefit. It cleans the dirt accumulated in the cavity of the teeth.

3. FruitFresh fruit is the best option for teeth and gums. Fruit contains vitamin C and many types of antioxidants which protect the gums and protect them from bacterial attack. Apart from this, they do not allow the tissue to be damaged. Orange, Strawberry, Kiwi, Carrot etc. are the best fruits for teeth.

4. NutsNuts i.e. almond is a very beneficial dry fruit for the health of teeth. Nuts contain calcium, phosphorus, fiber, folic acid, iron, thiamin, magnesium, niacin, vitamin E and vitamin B6 that fight bacteria and prevent tooth decay. Almonds also contain Vitamin D which is very beneficial for the gums.

5. Fish-Oily fish is very beneficial for teeth. It contains all kinds of nutrients which are necessary for the strength of the teeth. It produces more saliva in the mouth, due to which the teeth are cleaned.

quit bad habits
To protect the teeth and gums, cigarette, alcohol, tobacco, gutkha etc. have to be left. These things are enemy for teeth. That’s why keep distance from them.

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Tags: Health, Health tips, Lifestyle


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