Yoga Session: To strengthen the abdominal muscles, do 2 asanas daily, digestion will be fine.



Always practice yoga and asanas according to your ability.
Apart from abdominal muscles, yoga practice also keeps digestion good.

Yoga Session With Savita Yadav : To keep the entire system of the body healthy, the practice of yoga and asanas is very beneficial. If you regularly include yoga and asanas in your routine, then it can help in increasing your physical capacity as well as keeping digestion good and also in keeping the problem of gas indigestion right. Today, in the Facebook live session of News18 Hindi, yoga trainer Savita Yadav has practiced some such yoga and asanas, with the help of which you can remove the problem of your stomach and also make the abdominal muscles strong.

Pay attention- Sit on the mat in Padmasana or any posture. Now interlock the fingers and stretch upwards. Then, keeping your hands down, sit in the posture of meditation, close your eyes and focus on the coming and going breaths. During this, take a deep breath and chant the word Om. Join both the hands together and pray.

Practice of Kapalabhati- First of all, sit in Padmasan and meditate by closing your eyes. Before doing this, know that this is an exercise of forceful exhalation. Now take a deep breath and exhale. Now take a breath and throw the breath out of the nose rapidly. Do this continuously for 1 minute. While doing this, keep in mind that your face should be normal and there should be no wrinkles etc. on the nose and mouth.

Also keep in mind that there is no need to force the stomach in or out. While exhaling automatically the stomach will be inside out. In this way, practice it according to your ability. You can practice Kapalbhati for 2 to 15 minutes. To see in detail, you can click on the video link given below.

Marjorie Asana- To do Marjari Asana, sit on your mat in Vajrasana. Now taking a deep breath, keep the palms of your hands on the mat in front. Keeping the elbows of both the hands with the knees, making a gap of one hand, stand on the knees while giving weight on both the hands. Keep in mind that both your hands remain fixed at the same place. Now take a deep breath and lift the waist downwards and the neck. Now while holding, exhale and lift the waist, along with it, lower the neck. This can be called Cat Camel pose. Do this process for 10 cycles.

Read this also – YOGA SESSION: Before doing Surya Namaskar do Sukshyama, stay away from injury

Tadasana and Padahastana- Stand on the mat and stretch the body upwards while raising the hands. Now bend forward making a table top position. In the beginning you can take support of the wall. Now count to 10. Now stretch the body keeping the nose between the knees. Now again in the posture of Tadasana, while stretching the body, become straight. There are many exercises to strengthen the abdominal muscles. Click on the video link to see it in detail.

Read this also – do subtle exercises regularly, Small postures will give you many benefits

Tags: Benefits of yoga, Health, Lifestyle, Yoga


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