yoga poses for first trimester in pregnancy


Yoga proves helpful in saving from every age, every condition and every disease. Pregnancy is a feeling of a pleasant experience in women. During pregnancy, women experience many changes in the body. Along with accepting those changes, yoga is necessary to keep the body fit and healthy. This increases flexibility and activity in the body and also controls weight (3 yoga poses for first trimester).

First trimester

The first trimester is considered to be the most important time in pregnancy which lasts for 40 weeks. During this, many types of biological changes are seen in the body. In the first trimester i.e. those 12 weeks, it is common to have complaints like fatigue, frequent passing of urine and constipation in the body. Apart from this, changes also start coming in the breast.

Know these three yoga asanas to make the first trimester easier and to control weight

Exercise done during pregnancy keeps the weight under control. Image shutterstock.

1. Baddhakonasana (Butterfly pose)

Mood swings are common during pregnancy. Sometimes we feel stressed, and sometimes we feel pain in the body parts. In such a situation, this yoga is better effective to stay free from emotional stress. By doing this, circulation in the pelvic floor increases. Along with this, flexibility starts coming in the hip joint. Baddhakonasana is called a hip opener exercise. By doing this yoga for 5 to 10 minutes, the body starts feeling relaxed. From this trouble sleeping Gets resolved.

how to do baddhakonasana

To do this, sit on the ground and then join the toes of both the feet together.

Hold the feet with the help of both the hands. Now lower the thighs up.

Avoid doing this movement too forcefully and too quickly.

By doing this, the body remains active and the spasms in the muscles go away.

2. Tadasana (Palm tree pose)

this currency is yours keep the body balanced Does the work of With the help of this yoga, you can strengthen your back, arms and legs. By doing this, the pain in the legs and arms goes away.

This pose works to keep your body balanced. Image: shutterstock

how to do tadasana

To do this, stand straight on the mat. Now bring both the legs together.

Raise the hands upwards. Elbows should not be bent.

Clasp both the hands together. Now slowly raise the heels upwards and take a deep breath.

Slowly lower the hands and keep the palms close to the thighs. lower the heels and exhale

Initially repeat this process 3 to 4 times. First you can practice this yoga by standing towards a wall.

3. Paschimotanasana

By doing this asana, the mind remains relaxed and you can easily focus on your work. In fact, mood swings during pregnancy Relief can be found from the problem of these asanas. Due to this, the problem of constipation occurring during pregnancy also starts to go away. By doing this, the blood flow in the abdominal muscles starts increasing.

How to do Paschimottanasana

To do this, sit on a mat on the ground. Now keep both the legs forward. Straighten the peat at once.

Take a deep breath and keep your eyes closed. Now try to touch the feet with both the palms. Keep the arms very straight.

After holding the feet, bend forward and rest your head on the knees. After staying for 5 to 10 seconds, exhale and sit in normal posture.

pregnancy me yoga
You can also meditate in bed during pregnancy. Image: shutterstock

Keep these things in mind before doing yoga in the first trimester

If you are ready to do yoga, then try to do yoga only under the supervision of a yoga expert during the first trimester. The first trimester is a very delicate time for pregnant women. During that time the body parts of the child start forming.

Do not try to stretch the legs too much during yoga. Do yoga postures according to your ability. Widening the legs too wide can cause pain or bleeding.

If you feel tired, leave that asana there. Before doing yoga, you should listen to your body whether it is ready for this process or not. Forced yoga can cause some trouble.

Be sure to consult your gynecologist before starting yoga in the first trimester.

read this also- Restorative Yoga: If you are constantly feeling tired or restless, then restorative yoga can help you, know what it is


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