World sleep day – Know why you need healthy and sound sleep everyday


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OTT, web series, movie night, clubbing, late night work, etc. have badly affected the sleep of people. Along with this, people present themselves on social media by the name of #NightOwl after being awake all night. Waking up at night may seem cool to you, but you cannot imagine how harmful it is to your health. On the occasion of World Sleep Day 2023, know from an expert what happens when you continuously ignore your lack of sleep side effects.

world sleep day

World Sleep Day was first hosted in 2008. It is celebrated every year on the Friday just before the Northern Hemisphere Spring Equinox. This year it is being celebrated on Friday i.e. 17 March. Its main objective is to convey the importance of sleep to the people as well as to help the person suffering from diseases caused by sleep.

For which different types of programs are run in schools, hospitals and other institutions. Not only this, its purpose is to spread awareness about diseases caused by lack of sleep and to talk openly with people about sleep problems.

how much sleep is needed

From the elders of the house to the doctors, it is recommended to get at least 7 to 8 hours of proper sleep. But there will hardly be anyone who follows this. However, the effects of lack of sleep are immediately visible on your body. But still people ignore it. Which can turn into a serious problem in the future.

That’s why today, on the occasion of World Sleep Day (world sleep day 2023), we have brought for you information about the negative effects of lack of sleep on health. So let’s know, how the lack of sleep can affect the health.

If you go to sleep at the same time every night, you will be able to experience better sleep. images adobe stock

Know what experts say on this

Health Shots spoke to Dr. Vipul Gupta, Chief – Neurointerventional Surgery and Co-Chief – Stroke Unit, Artemis Hospital, Gurugram, who has a lot to say on this topic.

According to Vipul Gupta, sleeping less than seven hours a day increases the risk of serious diseases like heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, depression and anxiety.

Vipul says that “Everyone needs 7 hours or more of sleep every night to balance mental and physical responses. Lack of sleep can badly affect your physical and mental health. Not getting a proper night’s sleep impairs your ability to perform everyday activities and tasks such as working or driving the next day.”

He further explained that “lack of sleep can lead to obesity, anxiety, mood swings, aggression, restlessness, as well as a weakened immune system.” Not only this, lack of sleep leaves a negative effect on the skin of your face and body. It can cause fine lines, dark circles, wrinkles and dark spots on the skin. Also it makes you healthy and it also has a negative effect on your office work.

Know here the health risks caused by lack of sleep (Lack of sleep side effects)

1. Immunity becomes weak

According to experts, lack of sleep can badly affect the immune system. All the parts of our body work more effectively while sleeping. Similarly, the immune system also remains more active during sleep. Due to lack of proper sleep for a long time, the body starts going under stress and the antibody response decreases. In such a situation, the body is not able to tolerate the effect of virus and other harmful germs and health starts deteriorating on small things. Especially the condition of common cold and flu persists.

In the middle of the night, you may feel anxious about your mental and physical health.
In this problem, it is most important to pay attention to the sleep pattern. Image: shutterstock

2. Lack of sleep increases the risk of hypertension

Taking less than 5 to 6 hours of sleep a day can lead to hypertension ie high blood pressure. Sleep helps the body to regulate hormones and release stress. In such a situation, due to lack of sleep, the body does not get enough time and the body hormones become unbalanced.

Because of which conditions like high blood pressure, fast heartbeat and inflammation are seen. All these conditions negatively affect the health of the heart.

3. You start gaining weight

Not sleeping on time can cause weight gain. According to experts, lack of sleep or lack of sleep increases cortisol in the body. Cortisol is the stress hormone, which causes anxiety, stress, frustration. All these things promote emotional eating. Because of which there is a deficiency of nutrients in the body.

Also, due to lack of sleep, another hormone called ghrelin is produced in the stomach, while its excess does not allow the person to remain satisfied after eating and they feel hungry again and again. Sleep deprivation can also affect the body’s metabolism over time. At the same time, it increases fatigue, due to which people get tired quickly while doing physical activities.

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4. Skin starts getting old before age

In sleep, the skin works for self-healing as well as produces new collagen. Collagen is a type of protein that is effective in a variety of skin problems ranging from aging to pigmentation. At the same time, it maintains the health of the skin for a long time. Along with this, sleep also boosts the blood flow, in which sufficient amount of oxygen reaches the skin and the skin looks soft and glowing.

Due to lack of sleep, swelling and dark circles appear under the eyes. In such a situation, closing the eyes and taking proper sleep of 7 to 8 hours does not cause these problems. Because the eye remains active throughout the day, it is very important to get proper rest.

The risk of diabetes may increase. Image: AdobeStock

5. The risk of diabetes increases

In the condition of diabetes, the level of sugar in the blood starts increasing, due to which there is a risk of damage to the blood vessels. According to the study published by the National Library of Medicine, not getting enough sleep increases the blood sugar level in a person’s body and remains at risk of diabetes. Diabetes patients are advised to take proper sleep to keep the blood sugar level under control.

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This way can increase the quality of sleep (tips to improve quality of sleep)

1. Take special care of food

Sleeping on an empty stomach does not lead to sleep and also has a negative effect on the quality of sleep. Also, avoid taking heavy meals immediately before going to bed. Also, keep away from things like caffeine, nicotine, alcohol before sleeping.

2. It is important to follow the sleep pattern

Irregular sleep patterns affect circadian rhythms and melatonin levels, which signal the brain about sleep. That’s why doctors forbid sleeping longer than 8 hours and sleeping less than 7 hours. Because just as lack of sleep is bad for your health, in the same way excess of sleep also affects your health negatively.

night's good sleep is necessary
Adequate sleep is essential. Image: shutterstock

3. Be physically active

Participating in physical activities keeps the body active, which improves the quality of sleep. But don’t participate in any strenuous physical activity shortly before bedtime. Doing so can become a hindrance to sleep.

4. Avoid taking irregular naps

It is okay to take short naps during the day, but irregular naps at any time during the day can affect the quality of sleep. In such a situation, the risk of many health related problems increases.

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