Why is there relief on cracking the neck, is it correct, is it not a sign of any disease?


Cracking Neck: We have seen since childhood that when we used to go to the salon to get a hair cut, the people doing the cutting used to give a slight blow to the neck afterwards. This used to make a slight sound of cracking the neck. Generally pain is felt when any other muscle of the body is cracked, but relief is felt when the neck is cracked. At the same time, when you work on the computer for a long time, you start feeling stiffness in the neck. In such a situation, many people crack their necks themselves. This makes them feel at ease. Why does this happen after all?

General Practitioner Dr. Nish Manek in London says that when bubbles form in the lubricant synovial fluid present between the joints, people feel pain or stiffness in the neck or other joints. According to Dr. Manek, these bubbles formed in the synovial fluid are made from a mixture of carbon dioxide, nitrogen and oxygen. Now when someone jerks your neck after a light massage, these bubbles come out rapidly from between the stiff muscles. This is the reason why the sound of cracking comes when the neck is jerked.

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Why do you get relief, how to crack
Many times when you normally move your neck to the right, left or up and down, even then the sound of crackling comes because of this reason. Muscles become loose when bubbles are released from the place of stiffness in the joints of the body. For this reason, people feel relieved when there is a crackling sound from the neck, fingers or sometimes from the waist. However, before cracking the neck, it is necessary to loosen your muscles a bit. For this, first massage and stretch your neck with light hands. After this, tilt your chin towards the chest as much as possible. After this, raise the head back up and look towards the ceiling. After this you can crack your neck comfortably.

If you try to crack your neck without loosening it, then muscle strain or injury may also occur.

Why and when should a doctor’s advice be taken?
If you try to crack your neck without loosening it, then muscle strain or injury may also occur. If you do not get relief even after cracking your neck, then it would be better to see a chiropractor, osteopath or any other doctor. If you often crack your neck, do not forget to tell this to the doctor. Doctors say that occasional cracking of the neck is normal, but if it happens frequently then it is better to consult a doctor. You may have pain due to spondylitis or arthritis. In this case its treatment is necessary.

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Cracking the neck can also be harmful
If you have a habit of cracking your neck again and again to cure neck pain, then be alert. This can prove to be very harmful for you. Sometimes, cracking the neck can also result in a minor cut on the inner layer of the artery. This can cause blood clots. These blood clots will either go towards the brain or towards the heart. In the condition of both, it can affect the blood circulation in both the organs. In such a situation, there will be a problem in getting complete supply of oxygen to the affected organ.

Cracking Neck, Sign of Disease, Joint Pain, Gas bubbles in Neck, Muscles Pain, Health News

Cracking your neck repeatedly can prove to be very harmful for you.

Ligament injury will be a big problem
The two vertebral arteries join to form the basilar artery. The basilar artery is responsible for the supply of blood to the brain. If there is a sharp blow to the neck or if it is repeatedly cracked, it can get stretched or cut. Along with this, by repeatedly cracking the neck, the ligaments can also become weak. These ligaments hold the joints between the vertebrae together. If there is an injury on cracking the neck in the ligament, then the problem can increase considerably. It would be better not to use the pillow if there is pain in your neck. Also, after waking up in the morning, slowly rotate the neck in all directions. This will strengthen the muscles of your neck and the problem of pain will end.

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