Know the expert backed tips for vagina tightening.- Always remember these things to maintain the tightness in the vagina.


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It is true that there are changes in the vagina with age and after pregnancy. Many women are worried about these changes, but there is nothing to worry about. These are natural things that we or you cannot stop. For this, we can definitely take some measures, so that the tightening of the vagina remains. After all, the vagina is the most important part of your body. Know how to take care of it at different stages of age.

Vaginal health is surrounded by a lot of myths and misinformation. It is also said that too much sex reduces the tightness of the vagina and it becomes loose. Vaginal elasticity is a topic that no one talks about openly because talking about it is not acceptable in our society. . That’s why there are misconceptions about it in the minds of the people.

The vagina is like an elastic that expands and contracts according to the situation. So there is no question of loosening of vagina due to sex. Pregnancy is one thing that affects the stretching of the vagina, but like any other muscle, its muscles stretch and contract themselves. To know more about this we spoke to Birla Fertility & IVF Consultant Dr. Prachi Binara

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due to loose vagina


The tightness of your vagina decreases with age because the pelvic floor muscles and tendons become weaker as you age, which causes the vagina to sag. After the pelvic floor is weak, you also have to experience things like pelvic pain, urine leakage during sex.


With pregnancy, there are many changes in the body of women, among which the loosening of the vagina is also included. During pregnancy your body prepares for the baby and at the time of birth also the vaginal passage expands and makes room for the baby to come out. Because of which the vagina becomes loose.

other reason

Birth of many children, any injury, menopause, any health condition can also cause vaginal laxity.

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ways to tighten vagina

You can try these exercises to tighten the vagina naturally. Image: shutterstock

kegel exercises

According to Dr. Prachi, the pelvic floor supports the uterus, bladder, small intestine, and rectum, and Kegel exercises help a lot to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles. To begin Kegel exercises, you must first identify the pelvic floor muscles. To build strength in Kegels, exercises are done keeping these muscles in mind. Which helps in tightening the muscles of the vagina.


According to Dr. Prachi, doing squats along with Kegel exercises helps a lot in toning your pelvic area and tightening your vaginal muscles. To do this, you have to stand with your legs spread and hips out, then lower yourself as if you are sitting on something. Repeat the process of getting up and sitting down several times. It will also give you a rounder butt.


Yoga is very important to keep the whole body healthy, but it can also improve the health of the vagina. Yoga asanas help in contraction and expansion of the pelvic floor muscles. To keep the vagina healthy, you can practice Titli Asana, Prasarita Padottanasana, Chakrasana and Supta Vajrasana. Yoga postures that involve the pelvis can also help tighten the vagina.

yoga krta hai vagina to tight
You can practice yoga to keep the vagina healthy.

balance the diet

You have to eat nutritious and balanced diet, it gives strength to your vaginal muscles. Consuming a diet rich in fiber does not cause constipation and does not affect the pelvic muscles. Consume foods that increase estrogen hormone, it also strengthens your pelvic floor.

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