What women do to reduce risk of breast cancer Dr Rasika Mathur suggest best diet plan of 5 Food for prevention of diseases



There are colorful fruits and vegetables, they are rich in antioxidants, these foods protect against cancer.
Dr. Rasika Mathur says that salad must be included in every meal.

How to Prevent Cancer Naturally in Women: According to WHO, one crore people died due to cancer in 2020. According to statistics, one out of every 6 deaths is due to cancer. Of these, the maximum number of deaths is due to breast cancer. That is, women die the most due to cancer. After breast cancer, women are also more worried due to cervical cancer. According to the statistics of India Against Cancer, 27 lakh people are undergoing cancer treatment in India. In 2020, about 8.5 lakh people died related to cancer. The first number among these was of breast cancer.

Efforts are being made from all sides to save women from cancer. Awareness campaign is being emphasized to protect against breast cancer and cervical cancer so that women can identify it on time and avoid falling prey to this dangerous disease. There are many reasons for cancer, but people themselves are responsible for most of the reasons. Senior Dietician in Nanavati Max Hospital, Mumbai Dr. Rasika Mathur Cancer attacks the body when the body’s immune system starts to weaken. That’s why women should fix their lifestyle and include immunity booster things in the diet. Dr. Rasika Mathur has advised to include 5 valuable things in the diet plan to avoid cancer in women.

Women should include these 5 things in their diet to avoid cancer

1. Salad-Dr. Rasika Mathur says that salad must be included in every meal. The more fiber you include in your diet, the better it will be for you. Due to fiber, fiber will slow down the digestion of other bad things that you will eat.

2. SeedsMake sure to include things with seeds in your daily diet. Nowadays many types of seeds are available in the market. You can include pumpkin, flax seeds, ragi, jowar, millet etc. Along with protein, omega-3 is also available in these things, which protects us from many diseases. If you don’t feel like eating it directly, you can eat it by mixing it with flour.

3. Milk and milk productsInclude milk and milk products daily in your diet. Every woman must eat something or the other every day in milk, curd, buttermilk. Protein will be obtained from this. If milk and curd are not available, then definitely eat pulses both the times. You can also include gram flour in the diet. If you want, you can eat missi roti by mixing gram flour in flour.

4. AlmondsWomen usually eat less nutritious food. Due to this their immunity deteriorates due to which they have to face many diseases. That’s why definitely include dry fruits in your daily diet. Consuming almonds, walnuts, apricots, dried dates, dates, etc. strengthens immunity.

5. Dark Green Vegetable and Citrus Fruit-Doctor. Rasika Mathur says that all the colorful fruits and vegetables are rich in antioxidants. By consuming them everyday, almost all kinds of diseases can be avoided. Apart from this, consume citrus fruits ie blueberries, strawberries, berries, grapes, oranges, kiwi etc. everyday. To ward off cancer, include protein along with citrus things in the diet everyday.

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Tags: Cancer, Health, Health tips, Lifestyle, Trending news


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