What to do what should avoid for hygiene during menstruation know from Dr Sunita Chauhan Kokilaben Dhirubhai Ambani Hospital Indore



Do not use douche or scented products in place of vagina, otherwise there is a risk of irritation and allergy.
Do not take medicine to avoid the time of menstruation, it can be harmful.

Menstrual Cycle Hygiene Tips: Menstruation is a natural process. Every woman goes through this. Many women feel discomfort like cramps, bloating and fatigue during menstruation. Maintaining proper hygiene during menstruation is important for maintaining personal hygiene, good health and preventing infections. located in indore Dr. Sunita Chauhan, Consultant, Department of Gynecologist and Obstetrics, Kokilaben Dhirubhai Ambani Hospital Telling some special hygiene tips for women so that they can adopt them during periods and keep themselves clean, comfortable and healthy during menstruation.

Do this work when you have periods

Keep the vagina and its surrounding area clean by washing it with warm water and mild soap. This will also help in removing the surrounding blood. Along with this, it will also help in preventing problems like bacteria and odor.

-Change pads or tampons regularly (at least every 4-8 hours). This also helps in keeping the vagina clean and preventing bacteria from growing.

-Wear breathable underwear made from natural fibers. Cotton underwear is a great option, as it allows for air flow and helps keep the skin dry.

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Keep drinking sufficient amount of water throughout the day and take a balanced diet. Drinking plenty of water and eating a healthy diet will help keep the skin and mucous membranes around the vagina healthy.

-Take a bath every day. This helps in removing the blood flowing during menstruation and keeping that place clean.

– The genitals should be kept dry during menstruation. This will help in preventing any kind of infection.

Regular exercise and good hygiene habits also help keep the body healthy and prevent infections.

– If there is any kind of discomfort or concern, consult a doctor. He can help you diagnose and treat all kinds of problems.

Do not forget to do this work during menstruation

Do not use douche or perfumed products in place of vagina. Douching can change the pH balance of the vagina, which can lead to infection. Scented products also increase the risk of irritation and allergies.

Don’t use pads or tampons for too long. Using them for a long time can cause bacteria and can also cause bad smell.

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-Don’t wear tight-fitting pants or synthetic underwear. They are prone to moisture, bacteria and yeast.

Do not use old or expired pads or tampons. These products may not be as effective as fresh products. They can also cause infection.

Do not ignore any symptom or problem or do not diagnose them yourself. Consult a doctor if you are having any problems like itching, burning or abnormal discharge.

Do not take medicine to avoid the time of menstruation, because doing so can cause many problems during periods.

Dr. Sunita Chauhan According to, by following all the things mentioned above, you can avoid infections and also keep your body healthy. If there is any kind of discomfort, concern or unusual symptoms, then do consult a doctor.

Tags: Health, Lifestyle, Women Health


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