What is a panic attack and how to support a person with it. Learn what is a panic attack and how to help the victim.


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Sometimes some such bad incident happens in life, whose effect remains on our mind for a long time. Due to this, sometimes suddenly we start crying and crying. Our body starts trembling. We start feeling suffocated. We are afraid of stopping breathing or even dying. Experts call this a panic attack. Actually what kind of problem is this related to mental health. If any of our dear ones gets a panic attack, then how should we help them. Senior Clinical Psychologist and Social Media Influencer Sonali Gupta explains this in detail in her Instagram post.

What is Panic Attack

According to research published in the Journal of Psychiatry Investigations, sometimes we feel too much fear. A panic attack is also a sudden onset of anxiety that triggers severe physical reactions. There is no obvious cause or real danger. Panic attacks can also be very frightening.

symptoms of panic attack

When a person has a panic attack, he starts thinking that he is losing control. He is having a heart attack or is about to die. When a person feels too much anxiety, he may be prone to panic attacks. A panic attack may cause her body to move very quickly or she may feel disoriented.

What are the causes (Panic Attack Causes)

According to a research article published in the Journal of Psychiatry Investigation, many mental health problems are difficult to explain. Panic attack is one of them. Its exact reason cannot be fully explained. According to psychologists, this can happen when a number of events, things are connected. Traumatic or very stressful life experiences that have caused a person to become traumatized may be the cause.

to help the victim Here are 5 experts tips

In her Instagram post, clinical psychologist Dr. Sonali Gupta outlines several ways to help a panic attack sufferer.

1 Try to listen to the victim

When a family member or friend is having a panic attack, the first thing to do is listen to what the person is trying to say during the attack. Listen carefully to the smallest thing they say. What are they trying to say and convey. If you listen to them, they will feel relieved and comforted that someone is listening and trying to help.

2 Trying to know about future plans (Future Planning)

Talk to them in a light-hearted manner. Try to find out from them what they want to do next. What are his plans for life ahead? Telling things of the future will remove their depression. They will feel happy.

In case of panic attack, touch therapy can help the sufferer. Image: shutterstock

3 Try Touch Therapy

Try to find out from them whether they like touch therapy. Can they be touched? Some people like to be touched by their partner. So some of a special member of the family. Do what pleases them. try to know their preferences

4 Keep yourself calm (Calmness)

Most importantly, when any member of your family is affected by a panic attack, the rest of the members panic. It is not good for the sufferer and you. Keep yourself calm in such a situation, only then you will be able to help the victim.

Man's peace keeps you healthy
Keep yourself calm, only then you will be able to help the victim. Image: shutterstock

Instead of panicking, try to collect complete information about panic attack and act accordingly

Seek help from a Mental Health Therapist

It is most important to let the person know that they are safe and well. Suggesting treatment or mental health counseling may also be helpful for better long-term outcomes.

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