verified companies twitter id charge is 1,000 dollar per month elon musk gave this warning | Verified companies on Twitter will have to pay $ 1,000 per month for gold ticks


Photo:INDIA TV Verified companies on Twitter will have to pay $1,000

Twitter Id Gold Tick Charge: Company owner Elon Musk is now after companies after making a rule to charge money from common users for taking blue ticks on Twitter. Now he has made a plan for this too. Twitter is going to charge money for IDs of verified companies. They will have to pay $1,000 per month to retain the Gold Tick on the IDs of brands and organizations. The checkmark will be withdrawn for non-payment. The company run by Elon Musk will also charge an additional $50 per month to add the badge to an account affiliated with the brand.

Twitter has mailed a company

A screenshot posted by social media consultant Matt Navarra indicated that Twitter was going to charge a whopping $1,000 per month. Navarra tweeted that Twitter is emailing businesses offering Gold Checkmark Verification for $1000 per month and Affiliate Account Verification for $50 per month.

Twitter did not immediately comment on this. As an early access subscriber, you’ll receive a gold checkmark for your organization and a badge for collaborators, Twitter said in an email sent to businesses. Verification is $1,000 per month for organizations, and $50 per additional affiliate handle per month with one month of free affiliation.

the game started from here

Twitter rolled out the Gold Badges for Verified Organizations program (formerly called Blue for Business), which allows brands to verify and differentiate themselves on Twitter. In December last year, Twitter relaunched its Blue subscription service with Verify, which costs $8 for Android users and $11 for iPhone owners per month. The micro-blogging platform has expanded its BlueService subscription service to six more countries. Due to which users can subscribe to it in a total of 12 countries.

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