These 6 morning habits can keep your heart healthy.


Heart is one of the most important and sensitive part of the body. Heart health has become a major concern these days. Recently we saw that many fitness freak celebrities lost their lives due to heart attack and heart stroke. Nowadays, not only the elderly, but people at a very young age are becoming victims of heart-related diseases. Hectic lifestyle, stress and wrong eating habits have a negative effect on our heart. These habits promote cholesterol and high blood pressure in the body, due to which there is a risk of serious problems like blockage, attack, stroke.

A healthy routine can be helpful in maintaining your overall health along with your heart. Yoga Guru and Director of Yoga Institute Hansaji Yogendra talks about heart friendly morning routine. By following which you can also keep your heart healthy (heart healthy habits).

Follow this 6 step morning routine for a healthy heart

1. Start the day with bed stretches

Now after getting up, you can stretch your body with the help of some rugs on the bed. Exercises like Yastikasana, Bhadrasana, Pawanmuktasana and abdominal breathing will be helpful. All these improve your bowel movement and all the muscles of the body get relaxed. Also increases blood circulation in the area around the heart.

You can do yoga sitting on the bed. Image-Shutterstock.

2. Drink a glass of lukewarm water on an empty stomach

After stretching the body, get up from the bed and drink a glass of lukewarm water. Sit comfortably at some place and drink water slowly. It helps your digestive system to remain balanced. Also does not allow acidity and gas problems. Gas also affects the health of your heart. Whereas lukewarm water saves you from this risk. To increase its quality, one teaspoon of lemon juice and honey can be added to it.

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3. Do meditate for some time

After drinking lukewarm water, try to meditate for a few minutes by sitting in a quiet corner and closing your eyes. This will help you focus on the present and release your anxiety, tension, stress etc. Stress is one of the biggest causes of all cardiac problems.

4. Eat dry fruits and nuts

Consume dry fruits and nuts regularly every morning. It helps your body to remain energetic throughout the day. On the other hand, leave hot friendly nuts like almonds soaked in water overnight, peel it in the morning and chew it and eat it. Include walnuts and apricots in your diet as well.

dry fruits ke fayde
Consume nuts and dry fruits. Image: shutterstock

5. Walking is very important

It is very important to walk for some time every morning. If you are in a hurry to go to office and it is difficult for you to walk outside, then go to the terrace of the house and walk for some time. Or you can walk from one room to another in your own house. Walking is one of the best cardio exercises. It improves cardiorespiratory function and fitness.

6. Heart healthy breakfast is important

Heart healthy breakfast helps in maintaining your stamina and energy throughout the day. Include foods rich in omega 3 fatty acids in your breakfast. This is very important for the health of your heart. Their intake keeps blood pressure normal, as well as limits the risk of triglyceride, blood clotting, stroke and heart failure. You can take flax seeds directly. Or consume it as toppings in your breakfast.

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