There can be 5 major disadvantages of eating more eggs in summer, be careful, you may fall seriously ill



eating more eggs in summer is bad for health
Eating too many eggs has a negative effect on the kidney.
Consuming more eggs in summer is injurious to health.

Side Effects Of Eggs: Eating eggs is considered beneficial for health. It is said that whether it is Sunday or Monday, eat eggs everyday. People like to eat eggs in many ways. Some eat it by boiling it, some eat it by making omelette, some like to eat egg curry vegetable. Some people also eat 4 to 5 eggs in a day. But do you know that eating more eggs in summer can be harmful to health. Let us tell you today what are the disadvantages of eating more eggs in summer.

1. Damage to health: According to a report published in Medicircle, a bacteria named Salmonella is found in eggs. It comes from chicken. If you do not boil the egg properly, then these bacteria can go inside your body and harm your health. That’s why boil the egg and eat it.

2. Negative Effects on Kidneys: Consuming eggs in excess in summer can also have many other adverse effects on health. Since eggs are high in protein, eating eggs in excess can have negative effects on the kidneys. That’s why avoid excessive consumption of it in summer.

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3. Harmful for heart diseases: Cholesterol is also present in eggs, in this case people with high cholesterol should not consume it daily. The risk of heart diseases may increase.

4. Allergies: Some people are also allergic to eggs, so they should avoid consuming eggs. If you consume eggs in limited quantity, then it does not have side effects.

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5. Stomach ache problem: If you do not eat eggs after cooking them properly, then you may also have many problems like bloating, vomiting and stomach related problems like indigestion, abdominal pain, burning sensation, cramps etc. That’s why in summer, cook eggs properly and do not eat them in excess.

Tags: Health benefit, Health News, Lifestyle


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