know these 3 yoga poses of your daily routine will help for mind relaxation. Learn these 3 yoga asanas can help you relax your mind.


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To do list in our life is very long. There are so many works at home and outside that our mind gets tired while completing it. Mind wants to rest. Yoga is the best way to relax the mind. Yoga poses reduce stress, provide relaxation and also help in feeling better overall. When time is short, we want such yoga asanas to be done, whose steps are easy to do. We spoke to Dr. Amit Khanna, Director of Mind Soul Yoga and Yoga Therapist, to know more about yoga to relax the mind.

how yoga relaxes the mind

Dr. Amit Khanna explains, ‘Yoga helps to relieve stress and anxiety by triggering the body’s relaxation state. Science has also proved that this state occurs through activation of the parasympathetic nervous system. With the practice of yoga, we can breathe consciously. When the parasympathetic nervous system is activated, it sends signals to the heart and nerves. asks them to rest. By this the whole body comes in a state of relaxation.
Here are yoga poses that relax the mind

Here Are 3 Yoga Asanas That Help Relax The Mind

1 Matsyasana (Matsyasana)

This pose works to open the entire upper body. It releases tension and relaxes the mind.

How to do Matsyasana (How to do Matsyasana)
Relax the whole body. Sit in Padmasan.
Use hands and elbows to support the body. Slowly lean backward.
Take the head back. Raise the chest slightly. Extend the top of the head down to the floor.

Matsyasana relieves stress and relaxes the mind. Image: shutterstock.

Grasp the toes with your hands. Try to keep the elbows on the floor.

There should be pressure on the back bone

Try to adjust the head with the other limbs. This will put pressure on the back.
Keep both the hands and the whole body calm and still.
Close your eyes and take slow and deep breaths.
Return to the starting position by reversing the sequence of these asana procedures.

Caution: People who are suffering from heart disease, peptic ulcer, hernia should avoid its practice. Also, avoid Padmasana in knee arthritis. This exercise can be done by keeping the leg straight. Pregnant women should also not attempt this.

Viparita Karani Or Legs Up The Wall Pose

Practicing this asana before sleeping causes back strain. Regular practice of this mudra helps in dealing with anxiety and depression.

How to do Viparita Karani

Lie down on a flat surface.
Take the hips as close to the wall as possible. Try driving your feet up the wall until your body forms an L shape.

One should try to raise the leg with the help of the wall. Image: Shutter Stock

Try to be stable in this position, so that you feel comfortable in this pose. You can use a pillow under your head or a towel under your back.
Apart from these three asanas, Balasana (Child Pose) and Shavasana (Corpse Pose) also help in relaxing the mind.

3 Sarvangasana (Sarvangasana)

This asana relaxes the mind. This has beneficial effects on almost all parts of the body.

How to do Sarvangasana
Lie on your back on the yoga mat. The head and backbone should be in a straight line. Legs should be absolutely straight and together.
Keep your hands beside the body with palms facing the floor.
In this state, relax the whole body and mind.
Contract the abdominal muscles. With the help of hands, slowly raise the legs straight up while keeping them straight.
When the legs are in a straight line, press the hands down on the floor.
Slowly and smoothly roll the hips and lift the backbone off the floor.
torso vertical i.e. lift in vertical position

support the back

Turn the palms of the hands upwards. Bend the elbows. Place the hands behind the ribs, slightly away from the spine. This will give support to the back.
Elbows should be separate from shoulder width.
Gently push the chest forward so that it presses firmly on the chin.
In the final position, keep the legs together at length.
It should be in a straight line with the torso.
This gives support to the body on the shoulders, nape of the neck and the back of the head. arms provide stability

eyes should be closed

The chest rests on the chin and the legs are stable.
Keep your eyes closed.

yoga for heart health
It has a beneficial effect on almost all the organs of the body. Image shutterstock.

In the final pose, relax the whole body as long as possible.
To come back to the normal posture, bring the back, waist and then the legs down without jerking and raise the head.
Caution People suffering from cervical spondylitis, slip disc, high blood pressure or other heart diseases should not do this asana. It should be avoided during menstruation and pregnancy.

Read this also :- Restorative Yoga: If you are constantly feeling tired or restless, then restorative yoga can help you, know what it is


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